Hammer bullets


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2017
Anyone use these and what do you think? I've heard some good things on these but not a ton. Looking to develope a good load for my 30-06 this winter. It's a Ruger M77 mark 2 "lightweight". It seems to like the Remington core lokts 150gr but would like to find another good load. Thinking about the Hammer 152gr or the 152 sledge hammer to try. Also looking for good 26 nosler load reccomandations as well if anyone has them. Thanks!
Anyone use these and what do you think? I've heard some good things on these but not a ton. Looking to develope a good load for my 30-06 this winter. It's a Ruger M77 mark 2 "lightweight". It seems to like the Remington core lokts 150gr but would like to find another good load. Thinking about the Hammer 152gr or the 152 sledge hammer to try. Also looking for good 26 nosler load reccomandations as well if anyone has them. Thanks!
Shoot great. Kill better. Just make sure of the twist of gun. They have recommendations that are good. Had trouble stabilizing in 300 rum, but my fault because gun twist to slow.
For what it's worth. Just helped a fellow shooter develop a load in his new Weatherby Vanguard 30-06. Not Hammer but Barnes 150gr TSX. Right out of the Barnes manual: 60gr H-414/ Win 760 . Same powder , different label. Worked up 1/2gr at a time. At 60grs ( manual max ) 3117 fps with sub 3/4" groups. Bullet seated .050 off lands. Shot out to 300yds on my range with deadly accuracy. I'm sure Hammer bullets would deliver the same results with same powder.
For what it's worth. Just helped a fellow shooter develop a load in his new Weatherby Vanguard 30-06. Not Hammer but Barnes 150gr TSX. Right out of the Barnes manual: 60gr H-414/ Win 760 . Same powder , different label. Worked up 1/2gr at a time. At 60grs ( manual max ) 3117 fps with sub 3/4" groups. Bullet seated .050 off lands. Shot out to 300yds on my range with deadly accuracy. I'm sure Hammer bullets would deliver the same results with same powder.
Used to agree on the Barnes and have several boxes that I gave up on in many calibers. Never could get them to shoot. In the last year have been able to get Barnes TTSX and shot a desert bighorn at over 300 yards with them. Also have been working up loads with Hammer bullets and see great promise. All copper bullets have come a long way from the original Barnes.
.....never liked them solid copper bullet Just me opinion found solid copper bullet like Barnes, To much leading......
I suspect you meant fouling.

Not all mono's are created the same. Nor from the same material.

I'd sworn off mono's as well, but Hammer has addressed all the issues that concerned me: material hardness (softness), hollow point size, consistency, easy to load for, and copper fouling.
I suspect you meant fouling.

Not all mono's are created the same. Nor from the same material.

I'd sworn off mono's as well, but Hammer has addressed all the issues that concerned me: material hardness (softness), hollow point size, consistency, easy to load for, and copper fouling.

Agree 100%

Not all lead bullets are the same. And not all solid copper bullets are the same.

I had zero success with Barnes doing load work up, so never got around to trying them on game. Hammers are the exact opposite, and very effective on game.
Being stuck here in California I have been loading and shooting mono bullets for the past 6 or 7 years. My experience with them is that the mainstream brands, Hornady, Barnes etc. all shoot very well for accuracy but for game hunting they are limited. The reason being is that they go through and mushroom ok but most of their energy is expelled after the exit. This deep penetration is great for class 3 game but has issues with deer and other smaller game animals. Without the weight and energy disbursement while passing through most deer etc. are able to bolt and run long distances even with good hits through vitals. There have been a few exceptions but if you take some time and read the tests done by Ballisiticstudies.com they show the same results that my research has. Their recommendation is to aim forward so as to break shoulder bone to help with internal energy damage. In speaking with numerous hunting guides they all have come to the same conclusion as well. A perfect mushroom that goes through like a dart will many times lead to hours of tracking, often with sparse blood trails. There are a few mono bullets that have been addressing the energy issues. The bullets from Lehigh Defense and Cutting Edge are designed to break off several smaller projectiles after penetration so as to expel more energy internally and open larger wound channels. I also see that Hammer has begun to offer a similar bullet design as well but they have not been readily available to order from their website so I have not personally tested them yet. Once they are listed I will give them a try in a few calibers and see how they will do. On class 3 game where deep penetration is necessary the mainstream mono bullets do well as they offer deep penetration.

Some interesting reading and videos are available here: https://www.ballisticstudies.com/Knowledgebase/Homogenous+copper+bullets+can+be+inhumane.html Be aware that there will be some graphic iomages and videos that show their research.
I agree with HARPERC. Hammer bullets do not foul like other mono's I've tried, plus they are accurate! If they perform on game as reported, they will be my go to bullet. I'll know after deer season.
I'll give my 2 pennies. The Barnes bullets are very accurate and I think easy to load for. However after seeing how they performed on game I swore off coppers.
This year I was required to use a copper bullet on a bison hunt. I searched around and decided to use a Hammer Hunter. I was way nervous as the only other copper I had seen worked like a FMJ essentially.
I loaded up the 169 HH bullet in my 28 Nosler and gave it whirl. It grouped almost as good as my Berger Hybrids and I did zero load work up. I shot the bison at 150, in the worst fog ever, and the bison took two steps and was done. I was surprised with the damage this copper caused. The bullet passed through but the lungs were jello and I found a few petals of copper in the heart and one in the liver. I was pretty impressed with the devastation. Hammer bullets gets my nod of approval.
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