300 RUM Hunting Loads


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2012
I just picked up a 300 RUM and I am curious what others are using for hunting loads. I have done some searching on here, but haven't found a ton of information.

I want to put together one load that I can use for all big game hunting, including antelope, deer, and elk out to 500+ yards. I have been leaning towards the 200 gr Accubond because it seems kind of in the middle between the Berger VLD and the Barnes TSX and looks to be a pretty flat shooter. I have heard great things about the Berger, but honestly I am a little hesitant because of the shrapneling of the bullet. I don't want to be wasting a bunch of meat so the animal takes 5 less steps before dying. I could be wrong it this assessment, but it is just what I have read :). I have also heard quite a few stories about the Barnes "penciling" through animals and it seems that they also aren't a very flat shooting round.

Any opinions and/or load data would be appreciated!
My 200 ABs worked well over a max charge of both Retumbo and H1000. The 180 Sciroccos liked max charge of Re25
My 200 ABs worked well over a max charge of both Retumbo and H1000. The 180 Sciroccos liked max charge of Re25
About any 180 in a 30 rum will do well with rl25. I shoot a 180 hornady at 3300 fps with rl25 in my 30 rum at about 1/2 moa. I am liking the 190 hornady with wc872 and the 225 hornady with either rl50 or rl33 also.
I obtained .50" groups using Barnes 180 gr. TSX BT, and Hodgdon Retumbo. The rifle was a Remington Model 700 REMF .300 RUM. Good luck.
168 Combined Tech
RP Cases

3shots@ .081 100mts


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Thanks for the info trebark. I have actually seen those threads and love what Broz is doing at those distances. However, I am probably going to be doing most of my shooting under 500 yards with an occasional shot past that point. Because of that, I am a little nervous about going with that berger since it will cause a lot of meat loss I'm guessing.
Thanks for the info trebark. I have actually seen those threads and love what Broz is doing at those distances. However, I am probably going to be doing most of my shooting under 500 yards with an occasional shot past that point. Because of that, I am a little nervous about going with that berger since it will cause a lot of meat loss I'm guessing.

500 yards? Go with a Barnes.
I don't want to limit my shooting to 500, I'm just guessing that a lot of my shots will be under that. So why would you suggest a Barnes over the Accubond at that range? Just curious...as I said, trying to find the best starting point, so all opinions are welcome!
REM brass, fed 215M, 200 gr AB, 92 gr RL25, OAL fit to mag length-approx 3.670 in Rem 700 usually. 3150-3200 FPS and accurate in many guns... if not try Retumbo instead. Work up to this as its a fairly max load. The 200 AB is flat shooting and flattens elk if you do your job behind the trigger.
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