small copper shavings when seating bullet, what is going on? (6.5prc)


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2012
I am using Hornady brass which has been sized using a redding competition sizing die and Sinclair expanding mandrel die with carbide mandrel. I then trim, chamfer/debur. I noticed when seating bullets some of the brass was just barely shaving the nosler accubonds (6.5, 130 grain) I was seating(looked like tiny grains of sand). Is it my chamfer? I am using a hand chamfer/debur tool? Do I need more of a chamfer on the brass? Should I use a different tool? Any help would be appreciated.
I once had a similar issue with my .357 load but never on a rifle cartridge, have you measured the case mouth opening to ensure it is sized correctly? How is the "feel" when seating the bullets? Smooth or forced? Have you pulled a bullet to compare the where the bullet shaving occurred compared to where it sat in the case? If not I would take a completed cartridge and put a marking on the bullet and case so you can line them back up after pulling the bullet and do a careful inspection of the case to see what might have caused it. Could also add a little more chamfer and see if that helps.
One of the easiest ways to alleviate this is to buy a VLD chamfer tool, it gives a longer slope chamfer. And like the above poster alluded to, the smaller the diameter of the neck, the more it is magnified.
Brand of bullets play here too, pretty rare I have seen Berger bullets get shavings, yet Hornady, Sierra, seem to be more susceptible, no experience with Nosler.
I would measure the neck to see if the expander is to small. I would also measure the bullets just to make sure they are within specs.
The VLD chamfer tool would help.
Best of luck.
One of the easiest ways to alleviate this is to buy a VLD chamfer tool, it gives a longer slope chamfer. And like the above poster alluded to, the smaller the diameter of the neck, the more it is magnified.
Brand of bullets play here too, pretty rare I have seen Berger bullets get shavings, yet Hornady, Sierra, seem to be more susceptible, no experience with Nosler.
I googled VLD chamfer tool and several kinds came up. Any suggestions on which one to try?
Personally, I like the RCBS model, tried the Lyman, did not seem right. I do not know if a carbide version is available from any mfr. I need a new one myself.
I polish the case mouth with extra fine steel wool. I have a little 1/2" copper cap full of steel wool, with a screw and nut in one of the stations of my RCBS trim mate prep center. A couple seconds spinning smooths out the case mouth completely.
I polish the case mouth with extra fine steel wool. I have a little 1/2" copper cap full of steel wool, with a screw and nut in one of the stations of my RCBS trim mate prep center. A couple seconds spinning smooths out the case mouth completely.

Or use a piece of scotch-brite on the table, put the mouth of the case on the pad and turn back and forth 2 or 3 times.
I am using Hornady brass which has been sized using a redding competition sizing die and Sinclair expanding mandrel die with carbide mandrel. I then trim, chamfer/debur. I noticed when seating bullets some of the brass was just barely shaving the nosler accubonds (6.5, 130 grain) I was seating(looked like tiny grains of sand). Is it my chamfer? I am using a hand chamfer/debur tool? Do I need more of a chamfer on the brass? Should I use a different tool? Any help would be appreciated.
Sometimes a flake of brass will show up because of an extractor.
I recently almost got rid of a FINE-shooting Winchester .270 because a bullet would only seat when loaded by hand and then it would not extract using the boat. After spending a little intimate time with it I found a teeny brass chip under the claw extractor, removed it, and it has been a great rifle ever since!
K&M precision works very well for me ! It stays square by lining up threw flash hole and has a adjustable stop for consistency as long as Case length is consistent


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