Well-Known Member
Hey everybody, I'm 25 now and have been hunting with a rifle for about the past 12 years. however recently i've tried stretching out my shots further, not far for most but im still learning, just 500-600 yds with my .270 and 300 wsm. in the past the only way i knew how to clean my barrel was with a 3 piece rod and hopps 9. however i recently got a tipton rod and jags and bore guide and am using hopps copper solvant. I just cleaned my barrels and ran about 100 patches through each alternating between wet and dry. after that many i was still getting some blue on the dry patch. after i was done i looked at the end of the barrel and i could see what looked like copper streaks down the barrel. i never remember seeings these before however i don't ever remember looking for them. did i mess up my barrel or is this normal? thanks and here is a picture of what i saw. thanks in advance.