Experiences Rebarreling Browning X-Bolt and Winchester Model 70 CRF


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2019
Rocklin, CA
I'm looking at buying my next hunting rifle. I currently have a .270 Mossberg Patriot, so I'm looking to step up the cartridge to either a .300 PRC or a .325 WSM to "more adequately" deal with larger game. I like three-position safeties (or at least a two position that locks the bolt) due to personal experiences, so I'm looking at a Browning X-Bolt Western Hunter LR in .300 PRC or a Winchester Model 70 Extreme Weather SS in .325 WSM. I'm hesitant to go with the Browning because I have heard that there are issues with rebarreling Brownings (something about thread stripping being an issue). I have a similar concern with the Winchester, but more so that I'm unsure how many gunsmiths work on CRF M70s. I hope to not have to rebarrel frequently, but if I can't rebarrel even once, that may sway my decision away from those two platforms. Does anybody have any experience rebarreling either the X-Bolt or the M70 CRF?
Just took my xbolt barrel off the other day. Waiting on my McGowen prefit for it. The barre was not too hard to take off.
Glad to hear it wasn't too hard. I just looked on the McGowen website, looks like they have all the barrels I could want.
Anyone who can’t rebarrel a M70 doesn’t know what they are doing. The action has been around forever and was/still is a very popular rifle. If I were going with the Winchester and you wanted more than a 300 win mag I would go 338 Win Mag. I had an x-bolt in 325 WSM and got rid of it, ammo is a pain to find, accuracy wasn’t that great, and ballistics were nothing to write home about either compared to modern 300 win mag loads.
I build my custom switch barrel rifles on Win Model 70’s.
It is an easy job re-barreling if tooled up for it.
Coned breach and extractor cut are the only extra steps required.
I use shouldered barrels for my switch barrels, makes it simple to swap out barrels.

Anyone who can’t rebarrel a M70 doesn’t know what they are doing. The action has been around forever and was/still is a very popular rifle. If I were going with the Winchester and you wanted more than a 300 win mag I would go 338 Win Mag. I had an x-bolt in 325 WSM and got rid of it, ammo is a pain to find, accuracy wasn’t that great, and ballistics were nothing to write home about either compared to modern 300 win mag loads.
I understand those shortcomings with the 325 WSM. I like odd chamberings, and 325 WSM fits the bill if only because nobody uses 8mm anything in the US (relatively speaking). I plan on loading my own ammo for it anyway. Looking at Bertram brass (or just the Winchester stuff) and Hammer Bullets. I would need to handload for the 300 PRC too, because I haven't found a factory lead-free option, and living in CA I am obligated to hunt with lead-free ammo. I'd been heading to lead-free before I moved to CA, but now I have to use the lead-free.

I kinda figured that those who have trouble with the M70 are probably inexperienced or ignorant about the platform. I'll just have to find someone in my area who is experienced with it.
If you have to go all copper, go fast. I’d wanna be 3200fps at the muzzle with a fast twist barrel.

28 Nosler or 300 PRC ok for you?
If you have to go all copper, go fast. I’d wanna be 3200fps at the muzzle with a fast twist barrel.

28 Nosler or 300 PRC ok for you?
I like the 300 PRC, and if I go with the Browning, it'll be in the PRC. They've got pretty fast twists on the stock barrels. Eventually after I'm more familiar with reloading I want to rechamber to 30 Sherman Magnum and get some even better velocities.
What in California requires a 325? I've heard the jack rabbits are big, but dang. Or are you going somewhere with it? Seriously, though, the 270 can handle California(lead-free). Are you just wanting something to play with? Re-barrel the 270 with a fast twist, shoot 160's, 165's, and 170's. Winchester!!
What in California requires a 325? I've heard the jack rabbits are big, but dang. Or are you going somewhere with it? Seriously, though, the 270 can handle California(lead-free). Are you just wanting something to play with? Re-barrel the 270 with a fast twist, shoot 160's, 165's, and 170's. Winchester!!
These jackrabbits are seriously huge. But I actually hunt throughout the West, and elk is my favorite. I have thought about rebarreling the .270, but I still want a bigger bore rifle as well.
Brass will be your biggest hurdle with this cartridge.
Even loaded ammo is becoming scarcer every day.
I understand the emotion in having something oddball, I have done it too, my 338-416 Rigby Improved is a beast that requires careful brass acquisition, Norma won’t handle the pressure and Hornady is only a little better in that regard.
Anyway, a 338WM makes a h*ll of a lot more sense over a 325WSM.
Each to their own, I guess.

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