30 Nosler & 300 PRC vs 30-28 Nosler & 300 PRC SI Wildcats


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2013
Parker, Colorado
I've become fascinated with comparing the new 30 Caliber non-belted magnums, the 30 Nosler and 300 PRS and then their wildcats derived from them or their parent which in this case is narrowed to the 30-28 Nosler and the 300 PRC Sherman Improved. My intent is to research these four cartridges using the information published on this site to determine the advantages of each and see if their is a clear winner, when considering all of the various factors, including but not limited to, cost, performance and challenges with creating or acquiring the cases and reloading them. My intent is to limit it to these four cartridges with 30 caliber 212 to 215 gr long range hunting bullets.

Before I start my search for the information, what are your thoughts?
30/28 Nosler. I have owned two. Very accurate, you just neck the brass up load and shoot. Peterson and ADG will be releasing 28 Nosler brass soon. That makes it an easy pick for me.
30/28 Nosler. I have owned two. Very accurate, you just neck the brass up load and shoot. Peterson and ADG will be releasing 28 Nosler brass soon. That makes it an easy pick for me.

Don't believe you can neck 28 Nosler to 30 Nosler. Can only go from/to/between 28 and 26 Nosler.

30 Nosler is its own case
Are you interested in buying factory ammo?

Are you trying to ink out every foot per second?

Do you care about fireforming?
Not true, 28 is slightly longer and 30-28 will hold a touch more powder than a 30 nos

My bad quoted wrong post and can't add quote in edits
Don't believe you can neck 28 Nosler to 30 Nosler. Can only go from/to/between 28 and 26 Nosler.

30 Nosler is its own case

First did you read his post? He HAS HAD TWO. Second I can neck anything to anything as long as the bullet diameter does not exceed the case diameter. The 30-28 Nosler is a necked up 28 Nosler case with roughly 4 more grains H2O capacity than the 30 Nosler. I am not really sure what the point of your post was. You can also make straight 30 Nosler brass from 28 or 26 Nosler brass. If your only point was that the 30 Nosler is a shorter case they know that. That is the entire point of the 30-28 Nosler.
First did you read his post? He HAS HAD TWO. Second I can neck anything to anything as long as the bullet diameter does not exceed the case diameter. The 30-28 Nosler is a necked up 28 Nosler case with roughly 4 more grains H2O capacity than the 30 Nosler. I am not really sure what the point of your post was. You can also make straight 30 Nosler brass from 28 or 26 Nosler brass. If your only point was that the 30 Nosler is a shorter case they know that. That is the entire point of the 30-28 Nosler.

Seem to miss interpreted the post. Didn't realize he was talking a 30-28 Nosler wildcat, but rather picking between 30 and 28 Nosler
Quality brass offered by more than one manufacture is a huge deal. You'll appreciate this if you had a 28 Nosler last spring and summer. Until 300 PRC is picked up by a quality brass company, I wouldn't even bother. Look at how many people disliked there 6.5 saum because of the brass. Peterson and Lapua brought back to life the 300 NM. Everyone complained about Norma brass and primer pockets becoming loose after 2 firings.
30/28 Nosler. I have owned two. Very accurate, you just neck the brass up load and shoot. Peterson and ADG will be releasing 28 Nosler brass soon. That makes it an easy pick for me.
.30-28 Nosler should be very similar in performance to my .300 Ackley (.300 Wby Improved 40º). I could see it being a good round. If I can ever get the cash, I'm going to break-down one of my STW's and build a .28 Nosler out of it just to diversify the collection.
So let me share some information. I built a 30 - 28 Nosler sometime before but did not ask for the right freebore for the chamber and my gunsmith for some reason cut the barrel short. I was working up loads, and back then there was no load data so was using the 30 Nosler load data information and adding two or three grains. Pressures were acceptable based on rounded primers and no ejector marks. I was getting good velocities is reloader 26 and was moving up a half grain at a time. I had one case that was a different make and made the mistake of including that in my load development. The firing pin punch the hole in the primer and the result was a bent firing pin. I put the rifle away and haven't touched it since. My intent now is to do another build in one of these four cartridges with the longer freebore match grade chamber.
So let me share some information. I built a 30 - 28 Nosler sometime before but did not ask for the right freebore for the chamber and my gunsmith for some reason cut the barrel short. I was working up loads, and back then there was no load data so was using the 30 Nosler load data information and adding two or three grains. Pressures were acceptable based on rounded primers and no ejector marks. I was getting good velocities is reloader 26 and was moving up a half grain at a time. I had one case that was a different make and made the mistake of including that in my load development. The firing pin punch the hole in the primer and the result was a bent firing pin. I put the rifle away and haven't touched it since. My intent now is to do another build in one of these four cartridges with the longer freebore match grade chamber.
Just have it pulled apart and have everything magna-fluxed to make sure there's no cracks or danger in shooting it, put a new FP in it, and have your smith re-throat the chamber the way you want it before he puts it all back together.
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