So is John. One thing I like about Whidden is, in this day and age of Credit Cards and electronic transfers, John accepts a personal check as payment.
BTW, his dies are mirror finished on the inside. While not a big item that does decrease sizing effort and unlike the the big die makers, his expander balls and decapper pins are perfectly centered all the time which of course has to do with the ample locating base on the top of the die thats machined flat and parallel; to the body itself.
No fiddling getting everything centered like some others (names not mentioned...)
John also includes a headspacing gage with every die set and an extra expander ball/decapping rod and pins. Not what you get from the others (all extra cost wise).
John cuts his die bodies a bit shorter than the others as well so it's easier to bump shoullders without grindng the die base and rendering the die unsellable (if you ever want to sell it).
They cost more but you get what you pay for in a precision machined die with extra's that the others don't include.
Now, if I can convince John to change the box design so they stack...........
He offers both FL and NS die sets and bushing and non bushing chambered dies plus he will machine a wildcat on special order.
Been looking hard at his bullet pointing system too.