Longest Kill Shot ?

Actually I was feeding my cows and one ran by. So I picked up a rock a chunked it and it hit him on the head. He didnt move a muscle after it hit him. I am still amazed at that one.
I had to laugh too. About 20 years ago we were moving some irrigation pipe and a skunk ran out of one heading straight for my step daughter. Being a kid she had on headphones listening to music so I just grabbed a crescent wrench out of my pocket and gave it a hurl. We were laughing, the kid still hadn't figured out was going on and it started moving again so it got punted about 30 yards. Didn't move after that! :D
I saw one broad daylight and thought if I haul *** on my Honda 400xr I could put the boots to it going by and kill it. Well, as I went to kick it at 40 mph my boot scooped too low and the sob end up in my lap. I freaked, it sprayed, I crashed and the skunk got away scott free. Your story I like much better.
"Hold my Beer"!
Whitetail November of 2019. A good friend of mine and I were out checking traps and looking to kill a doe for a family in need and we were both aloud a doe at the time. We pulled up on top of a high field that overlooked the valley and the other ridge across the way. Six does were out in a field and we get set up. He ranged them at 1275 yds. Neither one of us has killed a deer at this distance before. his longest was just over 1000 yds and mine was 700. He is shooting a custom Rem 700 in 7 mag and im running a bone stock savage 110 LRH in 6.5x284 , crimson trace series 2 scope and hand loaded 140 bergers. He shoots while im watching through the spotting scope and dirt flys right in front of her. "Your low,hit the ground right at her feet" I told him. She just kinda dances around and looks back towards the woodline. He fires again and misses to the right. OK bud its my turn. I do the math and its 35 MOA of elevation and I do not adjust any for wind or spin drift. I hold the cross hairs right on her butt for spin drift bc we had zero wind. I sqeeze on her and get back in the scope to watch while my buddy is watching with the spotter. She folds like a dish rag! I cant hardly believe what im witnessing here! We get in the truck and make our way over to where shes laying and the berger went Completely through her shoulders and shes stone cold dead! Didn't take a step! Now I know there may be guys on here that are gonna say no way or luck or why would you take that shot. Here is my answer. Yes! it happened I have zero reason to lie about it. We practice those kind of shots a lot and my answer for feeling ok with the shot is this. We trap somewhere around 100 coyotes a year right in this area. There is no tellin how many fawns we save every year by doing this. So taking a chance at a long range shot like this I feel is earned! The 6.5x284 in my book is one of the very best log range deer hunting cartridges available today. looking forward to the cooler weather and another chance to surprise one this year.
Whitetail November of 2019. A good friend of mine and I were out checking traps and looking to kill a doe for a family in need and we were both aloud a doe at the time. We pulled up on top of a high field that overlooked the valley and the other ridge across the way. Six does were out in a field and we get set up. He ranged them at 1275 yds. Neither one of us has killed a deer at this distance before. his longest was just over 1000 yds and mine was 700. He is shooting a custom Rem 700 in 7 mag and im running a bone stock savage 110 LRH in 6.5x284 , crimson trace series 2 scope and hand loaded 140 bergers. He shoots while im watching through the spotting scope and dirt flys right in front of her. "Your low,hit the ground right at her feet" I told him. She just kinda dances around and looks back towards the woodline. He fires again and misses to the right. OK bud its my turn. I do the math and its 35 MOA of elevation and I do not adjust any for wind or spin drift. I hold the cross hairs right on her butt for spin drift bc we had zero wind. I sqeeze on her and get back in the scope to watch while my buddy is watching with the spotter. She folds like a dish rag! I cant hardly believe what im witnessing here! We get in the truck and make our way over to where shes laying and the berger went Completely through her shoulders and shes stone cold dead! Didn't take a step! Now I know there may be guys on here that are gonna say no way or luck or why would you take that shot. Here is my answer. Yes! it happened I have zero reason to lie about it. We practice those kind of shots a lot and my answer for feeling ok with the shot is this. We trap somewhere around 100 coyotes a year right in this area. There is no tellin how many fawns we save every year by doing this. So taking a chance at a long range shot like this I feel is earned! The 6.5x284 in my book is one of the very best log range deer hunting cartridges available today. looking forward to the cooler weather and another chance to surprise one this year.
Great shot!!!
Gotta love the 6.5x284!!!!!
Whitetail November of 2019. A good friend of mine and I were out checking traps and looking to kill a doe for a family in need and we were both aloud a doe at the time. We pulled up on top of a high field that overlooked the valley and the other ridge across the way. Six does were out in a field and we get set up. He ranged them at 1275 yds. Neither one of us has killed a deer at this distance before. his longest was just over 1000 yds and mine was 700. He is shooting a custom Rem 700 in 7 mag and im running a bone stock savage 110 LRH in 6.5x284 , crimson trace series 2 scope and hand loaded 140 bergers. He shoots while im watching through the spotting scope and dirt flys right in front of her. "Your low,hit the ground right at her feet" I told him. She just kinda dances around and looks back towards the woodline. He fires again and misses to the right. OK bud its my turn. I do the math and its 35 MOA of elevation and I do not adjust any for wind or spin drift. I hold the cross hairs right on her butt for spin drift bc we had zero wind. I sqeeze on her and get back in the scope to watch while my buddy is watching with the spotter. She folds like a dish rag! I cant hardly believe what im witnessing here! We get in the truck and make our way over to where shes laying and the berger went Completely through her shoulders and shes stone cold dead! Didn't take a step! Now I know there may be guys on here that are gonna say no way or luck or why would you take that shot. Here is my answer. Yes! it happened I have zero reason to lie about it. We practice those kind of shots a lot and my answer for feeling ok with the shot is this. We trap somewhere around 100 coyotes a year right in this area. There is no tellin how many fawns we save every year by doing this. So taking a chance at a long range shot like this I feel is earned! The 6.5x284 in my book is one of the very best log range deer hunting cartridges available today. looking forward to the cooler weather and another chance to surprise one this year.
Good shooting! It’s pretty thrilling to see them crumple way out there
Whitetail November of 2019. A good friend of mine and I were out checking traps and looking to kill a doe for a family in need and we were both aloud a doe at the time. We pulled up on top of a high field that overlooked the valley and the other ridge across the way. Six does were out in a field and we get set up. He ranged them at 1275 yds. Neither one of us has killed a deer at this distance before. his longest was just over 1000 yds and mine was 700. He is shooting a custom Rem 700 in 7 mag and im running a bone stock savage 110 LRH in 6.5x284 , crimson trace series 2 scope and hand loaded 140 bergers. He shoots while im watching through the spotting scope and dirt flys right in front of her. "Your low,hit the ground right at her feet" I told him. She just kinda dances around and looks back towards the woodline. He fires again and misses to the right. OK bud its my turn. I do the math and its 35 MOA of elevation and I do not adjust any for wind or spin drift. I hold the cross hairs right on her butt for spin drift bc we had zero wind. I sqeeze on her and get back in the scope to watch while my buddy is watching with the spotter. She folds like a dish rag! I cant hardly believe what im witnessing here! We get in the truck and make our way over to where shes laying and the berger went Completely through her shoulders and shes stone cold dead! Didn't take a step! Now I know there may be guys on here that are gonna say no way or luck or why would you take that shot. Here is my answer. Yes! it happened I have zero reason to lie about it. We practice those kind of shots a lot and my answer for feeling ok with the shot is this. We trap somewhere around 100 coyotes a year right in this area. There is no tellin how many fawns we save every year by doing this. So taking a chance at a long range shot like this I feel is earned! The 6.5x284 in my book is one of the very best log range deer hunting cartridges available today. looking forward to the cooler weather and another chance to surprise one this year.
Congrats bee!
I’m also a fan of 6.5’s with a Savage 6.5-284, a Rem 700 5R Gen 2 6.5 Creedmoor and an MPA 6.5 PRC. Plus, I agree with you that you’ve earned the right to take those long shots because of your work ethic in practicing a lot and your reloading skills (Lapua brass?)
Thanks for your post :) RR
300 weatherby 1102 on a white tail. 215 berger

7rum 1233 on a white tail 195 berger

7wsm 951 162eld on a white tail.

Longest coyote 667 yards once again 7wsm 162 eld.
300 weatherby 1102 on a white tail. 215 berger

7rum 1233 on a white tail 195 berger

7wsm 951 162eld on a white tail.

Longest coyote 667 yards once again 7wsm 162 eld.
How did you get the 215s to fit in the mag? Or single feed? Whats your velocity? I have a hard enough time getting 180 barnes to fit in my M70 express action.
Congrats bee!
I’m also a fan of 6.5’s with a Savage 6.5-284, a Rem 700 5R Gen 2 6.5 Creedmoor and an MPA 6.5 PRC. Plus, I agree with you that you’ve earned the right to take those long shots because of your work ethic in practicing a lot and your reloading skills (Lapua brass?)
Thanks for your post :) RR
Yes sir! Lapua brass fed 210m primers and 53gr of 4831sc. Thanks for the compliment bud!
Great shot!!!
Gotta love the 6.5x284!!!!!
Grey fox I follow you pretty close as you seem to know your stuff on the 6.5x284. Thanks for being so open with the information you have worked so hard to come up with. I’m currently building another 6.5x284 on a savage 110 action. I can’t wait to get this thing rollin!
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