I will not be getting 'the vaccine'...

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I'm glad I live where I live out in the country I cannot even see neighbors or roads from my house I couldn't imagine living in the city like I did 20 years ago with all the nosy busybody's worried about everyone else's life and not their own this thread is a classic example at least some of the posts on it anyway I'm done with this one. IGNORE THREAD
The Gov. is great for passing laws which are not followed by all, so they make laws to stop them from not following the first law, laws hardly ever stop one from doing what they're doing if they don't want to, but they keep making new laws for it. IT"S A JOKE!!!
I don't think I'll be getting a shot but I know soon they will say GET A SHOT OR YOU CAN"T DO SH**.
I've survived not getting any of the AG garbage so I will take my chances and live free as long as I can, you do what you want. JUST MY .02
Thankfully I'm from a part of the country where very few people wear a mask and very few businesses require that you wear a mask. It's like we are living if different realities when I hear how bad the threat of Covid is, I have two friends who live in very strict parts of the country that require a mask 100% of the time when out of the house. Those same friends report ICU units that are over capacity and a very high mortality rate once a patient enters the ICU unit there. Compare that to my little part of the world and it couldn't be more different. Here, where the regulations are the opposite of strict we don't have near the mortality rate. My cousin is the lead nurse at our ICU unit and while we certainly have Covid patients we don't have the mortality rate reports by my friends Who live in a very strict Covid regulation part of the country. How can areas of the country be so different?

Then when I see people supporting mandatory health insurance for people who don't act as they think we should I just shake me head. Who are they to force their will on another? If you haven't noticed we are over regulated as it is, we don't need more regulations. Covid regulations have already wrecked business after business, i always think of the saying.... "burn a village to save a house" which is what many parts of the country are doing.

Covid is real, we all know that. Take the precautions that make sense for you. My 77 year old father who has respiratory issues lives at my house. We do his shopping for him, we get him what he needs and we keep him at home in his own separate apartment in the workshop. I still have to ask him to let us do more because at times he gets sick of staying home and will go into town and visit friends. That's his choice, I respect that and I respect his freedom to do that.

Go to the most rigid part of the country for Covid policies and see how many people aren't wearing their mask properly, how many are standing within 2-3 feet of each other, how many are breaking the rules that make others feel safe and ask yourself how much good it's really doing? It might make people feel good but how much protection is really taking place. I'd wager not near as much as you think.
Its about you killing someone else. Its got nothing to do with what is best for you. If you choose not to take precautions and you get it and die, so what. You are no different than someone who chooses to smoke. You rolled the dice, you're dead. The problem arises when you get it and go out in public before you realize you are sick or maybe you think you just have a cold and give it to someone else who dies, that's on you. I don't wear a mask to protect myself
I do it to protect my daughter who has asthma and my friends with respiratory illnesses who will die if they get it.

Hi Jim, thanks for your respectful contributions to this thread. We disagree on a few things, and that's ok!

I've gotta stop you here though, as you make a dangerous accusation. Children are being brought up to feel responsible for their grandparents' death, and that's not ok.

Fortunately, we have a last vestige in the legal system, and as such I challenge you to prove your claim. If you can prove that vaccinated people will prevent transmission of the virus, there are a LOT of people that would love to hear it.

To my knowledge, this is a bogus claim. It's dangerous, and is not backed by evidence.

If you are unable to back up this claim, it would be honorable to retract it.
Masking is a separate subject, but I will offer this for anyone on the fence about the issue.

Compare Sweden with the UK. Both have similar populations, and reported similar death rates. They both dealt with the pandemic in very different ways, however. What can this tell us about the efficacy of the UK public health measures?

Common sense is becoming so rare it should be considered a superpower!
Masking is a separate subject, but I will offer this for anyone on the fence about the issue.

Compare Sweden with the UK. Both have similar populations, and reported similar death rates. They both dealt with the pandemic in very different ways, however. What can this tell us about the efficacy of the UK public health measures?

Common sense is becoming so rare it should be considered a superpower!
🤔 His super power seems a little low.


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Some of this about human nature, and the natural tendencies to defy authority. This is tendency is much stronger in America than most other parts of the world. American's don't like being told what to do, and in many cases will act out of defiance, simply to prove a point. Tell me I can't do something I didn't even want to do and there is a decent chance I'll do it just to prove I can. (I've gotten better about this the older I get) This for the most part lies within the boundaries of reason.
If you get home and your wife says "Go take the garbage out and do the dishes" what are the odds of either of those things happening?
If you get home and your wife says "would mind helping with the dishes, and taking the garbage out?" what are the odds of those things getting done?
The point is people do not appreciate the manner in which our elected officials have gone about this. Mandates are not well received. I strongly believe that if our politicians in power, would have just recommended mask wearing and done a better job of explaining why we should, more people would willingly wear them. This is why whenever they mandate a curfew, there are people standing out in the streets with signs, 90% of those people would be home if the government didn't tell them they had to stay home.
There is no law or mandate that states you have to cover your mouth when you cough, most people do it out of respect for the people around them, we don't need laws to do the right thing. We need facts, if we could simply get the facts, I strongly believe that most people would choose to do what's in the best interest of most. When the very people who make these rules are caught breaking them, it doesn't inspire us low life deplorables to comply. Do as I say, not as I do......not a very effective way to raise your children.
Look just trust the government when have the ever led us a stray.....oh wait


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What a crock of BS we've been fed, created by disingenuous, crooked, lying government officials, and distributed by them with the huge helping hand of the media.

Thanks for posting this YouTube link. I'd like to know the month-year the lawyer made his video, and/or when it was posted on YouTube. Do you know?

For those that aren't PhDs or medical doctors, listen to what equally intelligent lawyers have determined thru their research and interviews with renowned medical experts from across the globe. There never was a pandemic any worse than the equivalent of a mild seasonal flu. There was only a lot of falsely positive PCR test results. A test that was never designed to diagnose the contagion in the first place.

This video is strong affirmation of my choice to delay any decision on the "vaccine". I really see no benefits for people in reasonably good heath. Only risk of the unknown.

Thank God we currently have the right to decide as individuals. Woe is us if we lose that right.

My current assessment of this "pandemic" is "SCAMdemic".
I have felt that way since they first said "Two weeks shutdown to stop the spread". How has that worked out for everyone. I am a welding inspector that used to make my living on gas pipeline construction and for the same company that got their big project cancelled on the first day of this new administration. It hasn't been good for most of the people I know.
I look forward to it being peer reviewed, but the early results are promising. I am optimistic that we will beat this.

"The recently authorized BNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is about 95% efficient in preventing disease after 7 days from the second dose, and also provides some early protection starting 12 days after the first dose 1,2 . As countries race to vaccinate a significant share of the population within the coming months, the basic reproduction number of the virus is hoped to decrease. This effect can be achieved by reducing the number of susceptible people, as well as by reducing viral loads and thereby viral shedding of post-vaccination infections, turning them less infectious 3–7"

That sounds like cause for celebration to me.

"However, the effect of vaccination on viral loads in COVID-19 post-vaccination infections is yet unknown 8 ."

And cause for further study.
In the meantime, just continue to stay home, do not go to your job that does not exist anymore, if you do have to leave your home, please wear your face diaper, please continue to social distance. These are the CDC recommendations even after you subject yourself to an as yet, unproven and unknown side effects of the vaccine. I do want to thank the brave souls that are donating their bodies for scientific studies of this vaccine. Someone has to "Take one for the team" Good luck. Remember "It's for the better good"
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