I will not be getting 'the vaccine'...

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I had shingles . The worse case my dr had seen at the time . Full on wrap around at the bottom 3 ribs on my right side . Solid blisters on top of blisters . Had pain in the area 2 weeks before the first blister, for 2 months of the blisters , and for a year after the blisters. Life goes on. I have mild copd , as in, i dont take meds or oxygen for it. Life goes on. I have chronic degenerative disc disease and athritis that puts me DOWN everytime it rains. Life goes on. People are hypochondriacs these days ! We live , we have pain, and eventually die. Doctors practice medicine . Practice is the key word. Try to play God . The more we dive into the human body in an attempt to extend life , the more we monkey up the works . You get a shot for everything you want to and hope for the best . Just ask yourself one question for me ......why do you trust anything funded by Bill Gates for a vaccine to prolong life when he is one of, if not the biggest proponent of reducing the human.population ? ,.

Did Bill Gates fund either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines? I know he was going to throw a couple billion at production facilities.
Very positive results with the vaccines in Israel. 520,000 with the Pfizer showing 93% effectiveness so far. I won't post any links, but I'm sure everyone's news source (or youtube channel) of choice will have something to say on it. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, just need to hang in there and keep our heads down.
Have you read the study?

Do you know what they mean by '93% effective'?

I do not think advising people to let the news interpret data for them is doing us any favours


  • 2021.02.06.21251283v1.full.pdf
    1.5 MB · Views: 45
Did you even read the article? just read the (verdict) and tell us what it means. Your feckless fact checkers failed and actually put an exclamation point on Swamplords article
Video of the day;

Experienced lawyer talks about class action as it relates to the COVID crisis.

What a crock of BS we've been fed, created by disingenuous, crooked, lying government officials, and distributed by them with the huge helping hand of the media.

Thanks for posting this YouTube link. I'd like to know the month-year the lawyer made his video, and/or when it was posted on YouTube. Do you know?

For those that aren't PhDs or medical doctors, listen to what equally intelligent lawyers have determined thru their research and interviews with renowned medical experts from across the globe. There never was a pandemic any worse than the equivalent of a mild seasonal flu. There was only a lot of falsely positive PCR test results. A test that was never designed to diagnose the contagion in the first place.

This video is strong affirmation of my choice to delay any decision on the "vaccine". I really see no benefits for people in reasonably good heath. Only risk of the unknown.

Thank God we currently have the right to decide as individuals. Woe is us if we lose that right.

My current assessment of this "pandemic" is "SCAMdemic".
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Have you read the study?

Do you know what they mean by '93% effective'?

I do not think advising people to let the news interpret data for them is doing us any favours
I look forward to it being peer reviewed, but the early results are promising. I am optimistic that we will beat this.

"The recently authorized BNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is about 95% efficient in preventing disease after 7 days from the second dose, and also provides some early protection starting 12 days after the first dose 1,2 . As countries race to vaccinate a significant share of the population within the coming months, the basic reproduction number of the virus is hoped to decrease. This effect can be achieved by reducing the number of susceptible people, as well as by reducing viral loads and thereby viral shedding of post-vaccination infections, turning them less infectious 3–7"

That sounds like cause for celebration to me.

"However, the effect of vaccination on viral loads in COVID-19 post-vaccination infections is yet unknown 8 ."

And cause for further study.
Did Bill Gates fund either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines? I know he was going to throw a couple billion at production facilities.
If its a vaccine, Bill has a hand in there somewhere . He wants to monopolize the vaccine industry . He believes it to be THE best money maker out there today. There's only one thing he wants more than more money. That's control and power to the point he doesn't have to buy anything.
If its a vaccine, Bill has a hand in there somewhere . He wants to monopolize the vaccine industry . He believes it to be THE best money maker out there today. There's only one thing he wants more than more money. That's control and power to the point he doesn't have to buy anything.
He is also interested in population control. I don't know if that translates to pushing these "vaccines", I have no proof of that at this time, but lack of trust, I have plenty of that.
I have read of many who have taken the "vaccine" and are doing fine at least in the short term and I do know the Virus is real as I know of many who have been infected, a few with tragic results.
I am not saying 100% that I will never take the vaccine but right now I am more concerned about the vaccine than the virus.
Seems like about the most foolish thing to do right now is to continue to believe sources that have been lying to us all along. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to distinguish between fact and fiction in this environment. That said, choosing to accept information as factual from a source that you know for a fact has been providing you with fiction is nothing short foolish.

I wish I knew where I could get the facts so I could make an informed decision. In the meantime, I'm not going to be anyone's guinea pig.

There are plenty of ways to die, heart disease and cancer being two of the most likely ways to go. We (generally speaking) still put bacon on everything, eat processed food that we can't even pronounce the ingredients, sit in our homes that are covered in toxins (paint, carpet, flooring, stains, clear coats, plastics) that are all known to cause cancer. We drink, smoke, chew, speed, and make all kinds of decisions that we know are dangerous, but we determine the risk is worth the reward. This difference is these are calculated risks, the information is there for us to make our choice.

The fact is, we don't have the facts on this yet. So you can make your choice, but you can't calculate the risk. It's really that simple. Confirmation bias is running unchecked, previous decisions are being fiercely defended rather than being learned from.

It's going to be a long time before we know the truth about what is going on, we may never know. Heads they win, tails you lose.
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