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6.5 Sherman Shortmag Load Data

I don't have a SS but my 6.5 Sherman ran 140 Hybrids at 3339 fps with N570. 28" Hart on a Borden action. I dropped that load by a grain as it was a bit hard on brass.
Hello Rich, Don't worry about knocking my chrony I do it all the time. Lol! Using my drop data is where I fine tune my velocity anyways. Yes I ran 67grs. of RL33 with the 160's @ 3186' so yes I may be leaving a little velocity on the table but I think you said it "Pretty impressive for an idy bitty case". I believe I have a slow barrel anyways. It has sped up some after a couple hundred rounds not much, but some. Going to give 26 a try with the 160's next outing 56-61grs. Thinking with the gains with 26 & the 140's it should top 3200 maybe 3300.

Just wondering if others with 26+" tubes have been getting any substantial velocity gains with the added barrel length?

I think you might have the only 30" right now but there is another coming soon.....Rich
I don't have a SS but my 6.5 Sherman ran 140 Hybrids at 3339 fps with N570. 28" Hart on a Borden action. I dropped that load by a grain as it was a bit hard on brass.

What was your charge weight with the 3339' load? I get about 3305" with 62 RL26 with my 26" barrel.....Rich
Looks like 60.5grs RL26 with the 140 Hybrids will do nicely at 3258' with my "cheep chrony" & a 15' ES. This is a 100'+ increase over 65grs of RL33 load. There is one thing a little puzzling concerning these two loads & how they are reacting in regards to pressure. The primers are only slightly flattened, no extractor marks & normal bolt lift with 65grs of rl33. With 60.5grs of rl26 the primers are not flat & still mushroom toped, bolt lift is normal, but there are extractor mark on the cases. Your thoughts? Thanks guys, any insights would be great. Kevin
Looks like 60.5grs RL26 with the 140 Hybrids will do nicely at 3258' with my "cheep chrony" & a 15' ES. This is a 100'+ increase over 65grs of RL33 load. There is one thing a little puzzling concerning these two loads & how they are reacting in regards to pressure. The primers are only slightly flattened, no extractor marks & normal bolt lift with 65grs of rl33. With 60.5grs of rl26 the primers are not flat & still mushroom toped, bolt lift is normal, but there are extractor mark on the cases. Your thoughts? Thanks guys, any insights would be great. Kevin

Think I may have answered my own query on the ejector marks issue. Me thinkst I still had some case lube on & not a dry case. Does that sound about right? I haven't had a chance to get out lately to reproof this load, but well see on the next outing
Think I may have answered my own query on the ejector marks issue. Me thinkst I still had some case lube on & not a dry case. Does that sound about right? I haven't had a chance to get out lately to reproof this load, but well see on the next outing

Yup, lube on the case or any oil in the chamber will contribute to that. Also, run very tight head space. 0-001" is all you need..............Rich
I finally got moved back to good old North Idaho and had my first chance to shoot:) I shot 2 rounds at 880 yards to see if the rifle was still on because I was planning a scouting trip the next day and thought I might run across a bear. I used the data off of my chart which was a little off of the local conditions but knew it would be fairly close and I could work it backwards after the shot when I got back to the computer. Had I punched in the data BEFORE I shot, the group would have been 3.5" lower. The cross measures 6x6".
This load has shot a couple of .0's at 100 yds. I would suggest you 6.5 SS shooters try this recipe ........Rich
View attachment 143eldx @ 880yds..pdf
You and I have talked many times over this cartridge and the performance different powders give.
N570 is another winner for SS case as I have proven.
Retumbo is another one to add to list.
I would suggest you 6.5 SS shooters try this recipe. . . .
I will!
And I like the fact that H1000 is part of their "Extreme" line that's supposed to be very temperature stable. Hitting near the same point of aim with the first shot in various weather conditions seems to me to be more important to a hunter than making tiny groups. (Hey, I like making tiny groups too, though.)
I will!
And I like the fact that H1000 is part of their "Extreme" line that's supposed to be very temperature stable. Hitting near the same point of aim with the first shot in various weather conditions seems to me to be more important to a hunter than making tiny groups. (Hey, I like making tiny groups too, though.)

Don't rule out RL26 though. It seems to be doing well with temp as too.
I should have some N570 before long too. I can't wait to give it a go....Rich
Here is a load for H1000. 61 1/2 grs. behind 150 Matrix. coal of 2.875". MV 3145'. My buddy took this moose yesterday using my rifle with this load at 900 yards!
Kevins Moose.jpg

moose heart.jpg


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