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  • Shipping may not be an issue. Where abouts are you in Manitoba. I have a riend headed this way in a week or so that might be able to pick it up and bring it out. But I do know puralator will ship powder.
    I’m in the Morden area. About 1.5 hrs SW of Winnipeg. Are you in Alberta? Headed out there November 11-12th to go elk hunting. This snow is slowing me down. But if I have two more decent days I should have my bees in. Like I said, just keep reminding me. To much on my mind trying to finish off the season.
    Hi Beeman. How much would you want for your 8 -08nder of Rl 33. I bought some 300 grain berger elite hunters off of you a coupl years back. Could youlet me know.
    Thank you Widbill.
    Hi Wildbill. Yes I remember. Not to sure what it’s worth. I’d have to do a little research. I’m going to be busy moving my bees into indoor winter buildings the next few days. So if I forget to get back to you just PM or message me again. Not sure how we ship it though.
    If you don't mind what freebore are you running in your 25-284. Also think I read some where your in Canada.
    Sorry I don’t remember the free bore. My reamer is at a friends place. Yes I am in Canada . shoots the 131 BJ very good.
    Hey man, I've seen you referencing your 300 win mag 215 Berger reamer, I would like to know more about it if possible. I am interested in rechambering/ rebarreling my 300 win for the 215 berger hybrid.

    It’s a PTG. With a .3407 neck and 210 freebore. 1 degree-30. Whatever that is. I had it specked yers ago with help from Broz when he was the 300 win king on here. I believe other guys are having success with the Rhian Mantha reamer. Broz thought everything was ok but the neck was a bit loose on my reamer. Shoots great.
    Hi Beeman I am in Alberta Canada not sure if we would be able to work any thing out. Unless you are in Canada too.
    Hi Cory,
    I put your dies in the mail today along with a dummy round to "ADMIRE" for a couple of months. Thanks for the $$$$$.......Rich
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