300 sherman build


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2017
Northeast Louisiana
This is a much delayed build.
Mostly because I just put it on the back burner.

In March 2017 I contacted Greg at SPR to build a Remage Bugnut barrel in 300 Sherman.
Also, I bought whidden loading and hydro form dies from Rich along with a go gauge.

There have been several delays along the way but I finally decided to finish it.

Here are the build details.
R700 LA SS
Bartlein 30" 1:9 twist Heavy Varmint
HS Precision take off stock with Atlasworx DBM bottom metal
Seeking Precision scope base
Vortex PST or Mark 4 ( have them laying around). Until i decide which scope to buy.

I havent been able to form any brass since the orings busted the very first time i went to use the hydro die over a year ago. I called Whidden but the website they gave me to order the orings required a tax id number so i done the best i could to cross refernece it. Long story short i winded up with 100 orings that are not correct.
Well today i ordered 18 orings from their website (didnt have that option a year ago) so once I get them hopefully my die will work and i will start the load development journey.

I started to open the barrel channel tonight with socket and sand paper method. Yeah thats gunna take awhile....

I will be using 225 ELD-M along with 208 ELD-M and also 215's.
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I’m in the process of building a 300ss as well. Looking forward to sharing data

If SS brass would have been available back when i started I would have given the 300ss more thought but I opted for less brass forming with the 300 Sherman.

And If the 300 PRC SI would have been out i would have gotten that! I didnt want to form brass for the 30-375 SI nor am i crazy about the ruger 375 brass.

If my hydro form die works with the new orings then i will be building a lighter carry gun. Either 6.5 or 338 sherman.
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What bolt face you need for the Sherman short??? I have a mag bolt face laying around. Was thinking of making one of these.
If SS brass would have been available back when i started I would have gone with the 300ss but I opted for less brass forming with the 300 Sherman.

And If the 300 PRC SI would have been out i would have gotten that! I didnt want to form brass for the 30-375 SI nor am i crazy about the ruger 375 brass.

If my hydro form die works with the new orings then i will be building a lighter carry gun. Either 6.5 or 338 sherman.
Whoops I didn’t catch you’re building a 300sherman and not a 300ss like me.
Whoops I didn’t catch you’re building a 300sherman and not a 300ss like me.

My original plan was to use my R700 30/06 as a donor action but decided to buy a new action instead of wrestling with removing the factory barrel. Also, i want to use the 225 ELD-M so with the Sherman having slightly more case capacity and lastly at that time the brass prep for the SS line was more than i wanted to do honestly.

I'm not like most people when it comes to alot of things. The SS line really doesnt get me going like it does everyone else(dont get me wrong its awesome but I never really got into the short magnums). I honestly like the simplicity of the Sherman line and availability of brass (although id love for ADG to make 270/280 brass).

Though i must admit i really want a 338 SS. I have a PILE of Varget (like 30ish lbs) that I could use!
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I, like you, don’t want to mess with the short action. Al my guns are long except the 2creeds I have. So I really don’t want to go that route. May have to ask rich some opinions.
You can always run the short cartridge in a long action. Many of us are going that route that way we can run real big long heavies way out there with no COAL issues. My LA action on new build is only 2 oz heavier than a short so now if I want a 300 PRCSI in future I have the action for it as well. A simple bolt head change lets me go to a Standard LA Sherman in future if I ever we go back to one. The long action rounds are great my 6.5 Sherman was awesome but with the Short brass Rich has now I had to try a short cartridge.
Thats a great idea. For me it was about brass prep. 2 yrs ago it was use norma to for SS, Norma/RWS for Sherman, and Hornady to for 30/375 SI. I picked the one with the least amount of forming and also the cheapest price brass. If ADG SS head stamp would have been out I'm sure that i would have a SS instead. My plan is to push this 300 sherman to its max. All while i sit back and keep track of the 338 Sherman and SS. This is not my last Sherman cartridge!