270 Sherman


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2010
I decided to hop into wildcats.

I was following the thread "MAGNUM PUNCH in an '06" by ELKAHOLIC and decided to try a Sherman Improved 270.


Rich sent me the reamer a couple weeks ago and I received my M700DBM back from my local smith who reamed it out to 270 Sherman Improved. This is the first rifle in this caliber.

The 270 Sherman Improved is based on the 6.5 Sherman Improved which is based on a 270 Winchester with the shoulder improved and moved forward for a gain in powder capacity of around 11%.

Here is a picture of the forming process:
First case being the parent 270 Winchester,

Then the case necked up to .308 and then necked back down to 270 to fit the Sherman chamber with a false shoulder,

and lastly the fireformed 270 Sherman case.


Here are 20 ready to load:

Now finding time to get to the range and do some load testing!!
I have 3 ideas drawn up for wildcats....But have not had the funds to get into having the reamers built, and custom dies, and all that hoop-la....

What does it cost realistically as for the custom reamers & dies, etc...?
Dies usually run 150-200 (unless you want micrometer dies then upwards of 300-350), reamers run 150-200, and head space gauges run about 30.00 each.
Please explain the difference in dies, and micrometer dies?

Also, I just want neck-sizer dies, not full-length sizers. Are those any cheaper?

Also, will I need a chamber reamer, and a finishing reamer? What are the differences in the 2?

Thanks for the info.
Micrometer dies would be like the Redding dies that have a micrometer setting on top. The are easier to reset if you change them but they cost considerably more.

If you just want a neck sizer use a Hornady generic neck sizer. They are about 20-25.00.

You need a finish reamer to chamber the barrel. That is all you need really. For a person doing a bunch of the same chambers sometimes they will buy a roughing reamer to take a bunch of the load off of the finish reamer. If you want to make your own dies then you'd need a resizing reamer. Those are the 3 basic reamers made. The finish reamer is the largest, then the resizing reamer, and then the roughing reamer.
I decided to hop into wildcats.

I was following the thread "MAGNUM PUNCH in an '06" by ELKAHOLIC and decided to try a Sherman Improved 270.


Rich sent me the reamer a couple weeks ago and I received my M700DBM back from my local smith who reamed it out to 270 Sherman Improved. This is the first rifle in this caliber.

The 270 Sherman Improved is based on the 6.5 Sherman Improved which is based on a 270 Winchester with the shoulder improved and moved forward for a gain in powder capacity of around 11%.

Here is a picture of the forming process:
First case being the parent 270 Winchester,

Then the case necked up to .308 and then necked back down to 270 to fit the Sherman chamber with a false shoulder,

and lastly the fireformed 270 Sherman case.


Here are 20 ready to load:

Now finding time to get to the range and do some load testing!!

Good job Bruce! This is the first of it's kind and will put some real whallop in your .270! Here is a pic of the parent alongside a .270 Sherman with a 165 Matrix which should make 3000+ in a 26" barrel. This will give some very serious long range hunting punch with a .720 ish b.c......richDSCF0488.jpg
I'm itching to see how the 270 Sherman does, looks great!! What bullets are you working with?

Rich, the 165 Matrix runs .336 G7 BC or .650 G1 the .720 BC is the "other" bullet we're playing with in the 6.5.
I have 3 ideas drawn up for wildcats....But have not had the funds to get into having the reamers built, and custom dies, and all that hoop-la....

What does it cost realistically as for the custom reamers & dies, etc...?

I can get a custom reamer and go gauge from PTG for around $150 and John Whidden will make custom micrometer die sets for $259 with a 6 week turn around. Standard wildcats that he stocks are considerably less.....Rich
I picked up some 7828ssc the other day, I will probably try that as well as Retumbo, Magpro, and H1000. I also might try some Hybrid 100.

Rifle in its new Boyds stock and a 270 Sherman with a 165 Matrix.


Closer shot of the 270 Sherman and 165 Matrix:

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Micrometer dies would be like the Redding dies that have a micrometer setting on top. The are easier to reset if you change them but they cost considerably more.

If you just want a neck sizer use a Hornady generic neck sizer. They are about 20-25.00.

You need a finish reamer to chamber the barrel. That is all you need really. For a person doing a bunch of the same chambers sometimes they will buy a roughing reamer to take a bunch of the load off of the finish reamer. If you want to make your own dies then you'd need a resizing reamer. Those are the 3 basic reamers made. The finish reamer is the largest, then the resizing reamer, and then the roughing reamer.
I feel like an idiot now. I knew that! LOL

So basically, if I have a barrel blank, will I need a rough reamer or a finishing reamer? I know if you are just simply re-chambering you will need a finish reamer. But if you're starting from scratch will you need a rough reamer?

Also, what is a generic neck-sizing die? I haven't seen one of those yet, either...

I guess I should just go ahead and have a set of neck-sizer dies custom made nad a seater die custom made.
I feel like an idiot now. I knew that! LOL

So basically, if I have a barrel blank, will I need a rough reamer or a finishing reamer? I know if you are just simply re-chambering you will need a finish reamer. But if you're starting from scratch will you need a rough reamer?

Also, what is a generic neck-sizing die? I haven't seen one of those yet, either...

I guess I should just go ahead and have a set of neck-sizer dies custom made nad a seater die custom made.

All you need is a finishing reamer and go gauge. Hornady makes a "universal" neck sizer that works for many applications and only costs around $25.......Rich
I picked up some 7827ssc the other day, I will probably try that as well as Retumbo, Magpro, and H1000. I also might try some Hybrid 100.

Rifle in its new Boyds stock and a 270 Sherman with a 165 Matrix.


Closer shot of the 270 Sherman and 165 Matrix:


VERY nice Bruce! RL22 and RL25 should also do very well......Rich
I picked up some 7827ssc the other day, I will probably try that as well as Retumbo, Magpro, and H1000. I also might try some Hybrid 100.

Rifle in its new Boyds stock and a 270 Sherman with a 165 Matrix.


Closer shot of the 270 Sherman and 165 Matrix:


Looks sweet!! i really really like the look of the boyds thumbhole stocks.
A little better pic of the rifle. It is a little difficult to get a decent shot of a gun!


I think this gun may have come from Havre, I'm sure it was from MT. somewhere originally. It shot pretty well as a 270 Win. There is hardly any wear on it!!
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