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270 Sherman Shortmag (SS)

After a couple of frustrating trips to the range where my groups went from .5 moa to 4 moa and velocities all over the place I finally got it shooting again after a few consulting calls to Rich. It seems like I had a carbon ring building up which was throwing everything off. Now with the rifle bedded in the Manners EH-4 and a clean barrel I took it back out to try again with my go-to load with 165 Matrix and RL 26. Wish I would have put a more visible aiming point and the group could have been better.


The shot in the black diamond is the clean, cold-bore... the next three went into .678" at 200 yards!!! Even if the cold bore is included the 4 shots are just a hair under 1".
After a couple of frustrating trips to the range where my groups went from .5 moa to 4 moa and velocities all over the place I finally got it shooting again after a few consulting calls to Rich. It seems like I had a carbon ring building up which was throwing everything off. Now with the rifle bedded in the Manners EH-4 and a clean barrel I took it back out to try again with my go-to load with 165 Matrix and RL 26. Wish I would have put a more visible aiming point and the group could have been better.

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The shot in the black diamond is the clean, cold-bore... the next three went into .678" at 200 yards!!! Even if the cold bore is included the 4 shots are just a hair under 1".

There you go Ryan! Carbon rings are kind of mystery in as much as sometimes you can shoot out a barrel and never develop one, and then there is your situation:D......Rich
Its been a long, long time since I updated this it appears! Looks like since I last updated this I have taken a whitetail doe, 2 bears, a passel of rocks and had my dad use this for his first whitetail buck. Since I last updated this I have stopped using HBN in this rifle, reduced my load back down to 2910 fps, and changed the Zeiss HD5 3-15x50 with a Leupold vx-5hd 3-15x44. This thing still shoots amazing! Surprisingly my dad has made the longest shot on game with this rifle at 520 yards on his whitetail buck. I have been killing lots of rocks out to 1200 yards but no opportunity to take game past 200ish yards. My bear last year I took at approximately 20 yards and this year I really stretched it out to 70 yards;). I am still shooting the 165 Matrix and it has been a hammer on game so far.
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Its been a long, long time since I updated this it appears! Looks like since I last updated this I have taken a whitetail doe, 2 bears, a passel of rocks and had my dad use this for his first whitetail buck. Since I last updated this I have stopped using HBN in this rifle, reduced my load back down to 2910 fps, and changed the Zeiss HD5 3-15x50 with a Leupold vx-5hd 3-15x44. This thing still shoots amazing! Surprisingly my dad has made the longest shot on game with this rifle at 520 yards on his whitetail buck. I have been killing lots of rocks out to 1200 yards but no opportunity to take game past 200ish yards. My bear last year I took at approximately 20 yards and this year I really stretched it out to 70 yards;). I am still shooting the 165 Matrix and it has been a hammer on game so far.
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