Zeiss V4 TMOA Reticles


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
Western Colorado
My primary target is varmints. I really like a SFP scope, and I like the looks of this reticle. Anyone have any experience with them? I ran 3 Zeiss Conquest V4's years ago and only one had good turrets. The other 2 did not track or return to zero. How are these newer V4's? I would go for a V6 if they had this reticle. From what I've read the available MOA reticles in the 6 are too wide for really precise shot placement at longer ranges.
I've got Zeiss Conquest V4 4-16x44 on my .300 win mag. Had it for about a year. Been a great scope. No issues with RTZ, solid turret adjustments, no loss in zero after a couple hundred rounds. The reticle might be a bit heavy for small varmints. P Dogs and coyotes no problem. Ground squirrels get a little covered up. And yes I was shooting ground squirrels with a .300. I might catch flak for this but I really like the Bushnell engage reticle for small varmints.
The V4 6-24 and the V-6 5-30 should both come with the ZMOA-1 reticle. It's the lower variable mags that come with the ZMOA-2 reticle. I have a V6 5-30 and have no complaints on the thickness of the reticle. Turrets are nice and tactile and have never had a tracking or return to zero with it.
I have used 2 moa reticles but prefer 1. The TMOA is supposed to be a thinner reticle but is only shown as being available on the V4 series on both the 4-16 and 6-24
I have used 2 moa reticles but prefer 1. The TMOA is supposed to be a thinner reticle but is only shown as being available on the V4 series on both the 4-16 and 6-24
Are you referring the the ZMOA or ZMOA-T30 or ZMOA-T20 from zeiss? The TMOA reticle is used by Leupold.
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