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  • hi, you posted on that thread about the LR1000 that you recently purchased a long range custom package for 2300 bucks, i was wondering who from?

    I was looking at one of your posts from about 9 months ago. You where mostly talking about using RL17 in a 25-06AI. You also mentioned that you shoot a 250 Ackley. Have ever played with the RL17 in your 250? If so, what where the results.


    I can highly recommend the 7 Saum or the WSM. However one will need a Magnum bolt head the same as one would for the belted cases.

    If you want a 7MM race horse that will do what the WSM cases can do contact McGowen barrels as they have chambering reamers for the Cooper Cartridges which are a similar design as the Gibbs line.

    I am shooting a 180gr Accubond from my 17" 338 handgun barrel at 2800fps with change.

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