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  • Morning, I am courious about your gun smith out in grand junction. any info you have I would like to give him a call.
    Thank you Sir
    Jaden Miller West Elk Precision 970-361-8291
    Hey Brad, a NULA in 284 is something I’m thinking about having built but can’t find good load data for barnes or hammer in this cal in 3” mag. Do you have any performance info for either make in yours?
    kind regards,
    Oh nice, good point! That sounds like a slick package. I have been kicking around the 284 in the nula 3 3/8 action for longer loading too, but mostly want to use copper so not sure might just go short. If I loaded long I’d probably do the Shehane to get another 50-100 FPS on top. I’ve been lusting after the nula for awhile but don’t know anyone who has had one so it’s great to hear that you like yours.
    I’m totally happy with my NULA but if I were ordering it again I would have ordered the longer action and had it throated for the longer bullets. As is it still serves its role as an elk rifle almost perfectly.
    That’s exactly what I wondered. That helps to hear, that’s what I’ll do!
    Sent your payment priority mail to you you'll have to sign for it and it should show up on Saturday.
    Here's your tracking number it is 70150640000642994289
    Thank you just on me back when you get my pm please
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