sako conversion to 6.5 x 284?


Active Member
Jul 6, 2012
ok, this may sound absolutly ludicrous to you guys, but I love the sako 85 action, and I love the 6.5 x 284 cartridge! unfortunately, sako does not make the finnlight in that caliber.

what are your thoughts if I were to buy a sako 85 chambered in 308 and swap with another barrel??

would also like your feedback on barrel manufacturer and gunsmith for this kinda work

thanks guys!!
I do not know a lot about the Sako actions. DO NOT BUY A SHORT ACTION TO BUILD A 6.5X284.

Let me tell you about one of the most expensive mistakes I ever made and it was a hard lesson on the wallet.

I was referred to a SAKO store where the owner is all about Sako. I took his advice and had a 6.5x284 built on a sako short action M591. This was a horrible mistake on my part for not learning more about the 6.5x284. With all due respect to the person who owns this store and made the recommendation, he was misleading to me, and after the fact I felt like he just wanted to make a sale because I shoot left handed and he had a LH action in stock.

The project turned out to be a disaster as the 140 and 130 bullets I tried were stuffed so deep into the case that even the minimum charge of powder was over max and velocity SUCKED.

So, if your action is a long action, you'll be fine. If it is a short action, FORGET THE THOUGHT OF CONVERTING IT TO A 6.5X284.

Of interest, my Sako M591 action was converted to a 308 within 2 months after I received it as a new 6.5x284. Very hard lesson learned on my part.

Thank me later.
I face the same dilemma. I have been shooting a Sako 6.5 x 55 for years (lots of white tails). In September I used it to drop a calf elk at about 250 meters using a reload with a 160 gr Woodleigh PP SP. I want something with a little more mv/case capacity and since Sako doesn't make a 6.5x284 I have decided to buy a Cooper M52 Classic. It has everything you need (24 in barrel 1:8 twist) to push 6.5s at good velocity. You might want take a look at them; price here in Canada is bit higher than the Sako 85.

I am a nut case for 6.5 bullets/ballistics

I have a Sako 75 Finnlight chambered in 6.5 x 284 and LOVE it. A good action to use is a Sako 75 111 or 1V.Regards
I have a M85 Finnlight in 300 WSM. I love the action but I can't hit a barn door with it. If you have ever removed an action from the stock, you will see it has a pathetic recoil lug system. Now a lot of Sakos do shoot well but I have found a number of owners with problems like mine. Bottom line, if I ever built on a M85, it would be a smaller cartridge with little recoil. Too bad, such a sweet action otherwise! Could also be the tupperware stock or combo of reasons.
Jims- you do not say where you are. i use krieger barrels . excellent. if you wnat a repeater you should start with a long action. not a 308.
Jims- the 6.5-284 is a fat round . in my 700 remingtons they hold less rounds than a standard size cartridge. you could rebarrel a 25-06 or 270 to 6.5-284 or 6.5-06.
I don't like the Short Magnums.Had a Sako Deluxe chambered in 300 Short Magnum and it was not accurate. I agree with using a long action for the 6.5x284. My Sako 6.5x284 was re-chambered from 6.5x55.Regards
I found myself in a similar situation. I had Sako 75 Finnlight in 243, it had been an exceptionally accurate rifle and I stuck with the barrel to the bitter end. I decided to re-barrel to 6.5-284 and set off down that path. The first thing i did was to have the magazine modified to suit the case shoulder, it was at this point i realised i'd made the wrong choice and the project came to an ubrupt halt, there was no way that case was going to fit sucessfully in the short action, also with the rebated rim, feeding was going to be a problem. I ended up going with the saum cartridge, it took a bit of head scratching to make work, but the result has been another exceptional rifle.
I just ran across this thread and know its a little dated. I ordered a sako 85 finnlight earlier today in 6.5x55 so I can rechamber it later in 6.5-284. According to the catalog its on a medium action so everything should be straight forward with little modifications. Fingers crossed as this will be my first sako. Its hard not to go 6.5-06 since I have the reamer, dies and it would feed easy threw 06 mags. Figure the worse case scenario I can buy factory ammo. Should be a nice medium range rifle in a lite package. Might buy another and leave it in 6.5x55 for short range work.
The rifle i had rechambered is a Sako 75 Finnlite with an IV Action. 6.5 X 55. Love the 284 and you will have no problems when you have yours rechambered. I have used mine hunting for the past three years. Find a good SMITH to do the work. Regards
ok, this may sound absolutly ludicrous to you guys, but I love the sako 85 action, and I love the 6.5 x 284 cartridge! unfortunately, sako does not make the finnlight in that caliber.

what are your thoughts if I were to buy a sako 85 chambered in 308 and swap with another barrel??

would also like your feedback on barrel manufacturer and gunsmith for this kinda work

thanks guys!!
I did my AR 10 on the 6.5 x 284 Norma and second upper at the same time in 6 mm - 284 win some 5 years ago and all is still fine shooting both AR 10 uppers .
I used Pac Nor super match barrels .
It took some tinkering to work out the bugs like using a adjustable gas block and angling the magazine lips up at the front to point the round at the chamber for positive feed.
I have now dead some Alaskan Yukon Moose - 9 foot coastal brown bear by the 6 mm - 284 win and hoards of Caribou using both uppers in 6.5 - 284 & 6 mm - 284
ok, this may sound absolutly ludicrous to you guys, but I love the sako 85 action, and I love the 6.5 x 284 cartridge! unfortunately, sako does not make the finnlight in that caliber.

what are your thoughts if I were to buy a sako 85 chambered in 308 and swap with another barrel??

would also like your feedback on barrel manufacturer and gunsmith for this kinda work

thanks guys!!
You could buy the action from Pacfic tool & gauge then the SS AAA 1 airgauge barrel from Douglas and the metal work done by accuracy systems in Barrens Colorado .
ok, this may sound absolutly ludicrous to you guys, but I love the sako 85 action, and I love the 6.5 x 284 cartridge! unfortunately, sako does not make the finnlight in that caliber.

what are your thoughts if I were to buy a sako 85 chambered in 308 and swap with another barrel??

would also like your feedback on barrel manufacturer and gunsmith for this kinda work

thanks guys!!
And to my first post about the AR 10 I did on the 6.5-284 Norma here is the photo of me with the AR 10 sporting a 26 inch Pac Nor super match barrel with 6.5 - 20 Leupold scope.
This AR 10 is wicked !
When I was doing this rifle many knuckle heads said it wouldn't work in 6.5-284 ! well they had to eat Crow !


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