My wife wanted to do the same thing for me a while back. She saw me swooning over a custom rifle on one of the hunting programs and decided she wanted to get me one for my birthday. On the advise of my buddy, instead of buying a specific rifle, in collusion they made a custom birthday card with a picture of the rifle and included a check for the amount. Looked like a gift certificate. I was totally shocked at such a gift, and glad she took this approach. The sheer nature of a custom rifle is that you can choose all the various aspects that make it your own. I just thought I would mention this as an option. Choosing a custom builder off the advise of the many responses you will get on this site is hard enough. Once you do that, there are other decisions that will have to be made. Scope, stock, barrel, etc,etc. Lots of very personal preference things. The rifle my wife got me is my prized possession that I have taken a bunch of great animals with, and I think of her every time I look at it.