Most Efficient 7mm Cartridge for 195 EOL Elite Hunter???


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2013
I've started planning for a new rifle build, and will be sticking with a 7mm projectile. I own a 7 SAUM, and a 7 Rem Mag already, and want to be able to use the same suppressor between all three rifles. This rifle will be built specifically to shoot the 7mm 195 gr EOL Elite Hunter. I want it to be in the 3000 fps range, as well. I know what parts I want to use for the most part, but I don't know what cartridge to use. This rifle will be used for Elk and Deer hunting, as well as 1500+ yard target shooting. I'm wondering what the most efficient cartridge is going to be for this task? From what I can see, the 7mm Norma Mag (300 Norma Mag necked to 7mm) looks promising. But what say you guys?
I reload all my own ammo, so factory ammo means nothing to me. Reloading costs, or material availability mean nothing either. I'm looking for purely the most accurate, and most efficient cartridge up for this task. Thanks for reading.
From what little I've read, I like the sound of both sherman cartridges. I like the 7ss the most. But will these really get a 195 EOL to 3000 fps?

Edit: One more stipulation I'd like to add, is that I do not want to be super hard on brass to reach 3000 fps. I'd like to get at least 5-6 reloads out of my brass before chunking it.
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depends on what you want-- the donor for 280 sherman would be a 270 win with bbl swap (std bolt face/long action), the SS uses a magnum bolt face and can use a short action if you like ---if you want "head stamped brass" then he sells SS brass on his website--or the 280 is easily made from 270 win brass
I've got 2 7 Wby's I'm shooting the 195's out of. 2950 - 3050 easy out of a 26 inch barrel, pressures maxed out around 3100+. One on a Mark V action, one on a Stryker action. Just got a 3rd on a Defiance action I'll be trying the 195 in as well. Accuracy has been great and my brass life is great too. I'm at 9 firings with minimal losses so far.
depends on what you want-- the donor for 280 sherman would be a 270 win with bbl swap (std bolt face/long action), the SS uses a magnum bolt face and can use a short action if you like ---if you want "head stamped brass" then he sells SS brass on his website--or the 280 is easily made from 270 win brass
Not too worried about that. I'm more curious to which would produce faster muzzle velocities.
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