Grooves 3 or 6?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2008
Central Pennsylvania
Well the title pretty much says it. I want a barrel that will shoot the 208 a-max and possibly the 210 JLK. I see guys using 3 grove and just about every barrel manufacturer have a standard 6 groove. So my question is what is better? I am thinking that if I can get away with a 1:12 verses something tighter, I would be able to push the bullet harder with my 300WSM. My compromise twist would be a 1:11, I really want to stay away from a 1:10 because I am not going to be shooting anything heavy enough to really need that kind of spin.

What say you?

Well the title pretty much says it. I want a barrel that will shoot the 208 a-max and possibly the 210 JLK. I see guys using 3 grove and just about every barrel manufacturer have a standard 6 groove. So my question is what is better? I am thinking that if I can get away with a 1:12 verses something tighter, I would be able to push the bullet harder with my 300WSM. My compromise twist would be a 1:11, I really want to stay away from a 1:10 because I am not going to be shooting anything heavy enough to really need that kind of spin.

What say you?


Tank. It would be hard to say what is better because they both have their strong points.

I have a 3 grove lilja and lots of 6 and 8 grove barrels and have yet to shoot the 3 grove
enough to say one is better than the other.

Dan Lilja has a FAQ section on his web site and that may answer your question.

Check out Liljas web site and he can help you with the recommended twist for your

I'm liking the 3 groove 11 Lilja has to offer. I'm thinking I don't want to sell my self short with a 12 and not get the performance I want.


I've been really disrespectful to a 3 groove Lilja w/an 8 twist. A little more than 8#s of powder through it at an averange of ~95 gr a pop. And she still have very little to none copper fouling depending on which bullet is being used.

I would say from that experience that a 3 groove 11 twist in 30 cal would out last a couple of generations of liltanks.

Shrink the bore to .277 then robust bullets/jackets are a problem at extreme velocities.
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