Get the popcorn out

In my 8 months of being on this forum, I've definitely noticed cliques, and trends. Unfortunately, or is it fortunately, I don't belong to any of them.
I don't own a nightmare scope, 6.5 Creed, 300 WM, and don't believe that someone should have to settle for being a mediocre shot, but make up for it by shooting a canon to compensate. But the best laughs of all come from those who don't know how to deal with a female being involved in hunting/shooting, and especially having an opinion of their own like I do, so they then try and start rumors about being FBI. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
We're more worried that you're a member of the RCMP.
UUUMMM... This is fun... But, let's not derail OP's thread!
Ha, I have to admit I was part of a derailment on one of Small Lady's posts 🤪 So I've got it come'n🤣
But the responses have been what I expected, couple good answers to my question, some opinions with experience and a bucket load of sarcasm/ humor! How do ya not love this site?!?!
The RCMP still provisionally are an intelligence agency, mostly counter, even though that was supposed to have been absorbed by CSIS, but they have been doing it for so long that that no one really wanted to throw away that ability ...and let's face it experience and the network they have...bad people talk and use the same channels as the things who go bump in the night and the plausible deniability assets...though no one will admit...that's what Senatorial Commissions and Inquiries are all about.
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