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28 Nosler Improved


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2014
Anyone played around with improving the 28 nosler? I was thinking about blowing the taper out, pushing the shoulder back a little, and changing to a 40 degree shoulder. I have a new barrel coming and lots of 28 brass. I have to order a reamer regardless since it will be throated for the 195 bergers.
Anyone played around with improving the 28 nosler? I was thinking about blowing the taper out, pushing the shoulder back a little, and changing to a 40 degree shoulder. I have a new barrel coming and lots of 28 brass. I have to order a reamer regardless since it will be throated for the 195 bergers.

Not enough difference to worry about imo... If you want more boiler room than the 28 nos go to the 7rum...
Before going with the 277, 284, 308 and 338 versions of the Nosler I toyed with and "improved" version.

In the end, all mine are based on the 26/28 Nosler dimensions.

There is nothing or not enough gain and lots of forming work going any other way.
Here is my version of the 28 Nosler Improved .
being that the case neck length is the same @ .274" fireforming is a snap with no case forming required ...... much like the 280 AI etc .... can use factory 28 Nosler loads or handloads to bang them out to the 40* shoulder and less body taper version .....

Case h20 capacity is 102.4 gr to top of case mouth ........all of the 2.8 gr increase in capacity is usable powder space and coupled with the Berger 195 gr bullet seated at boat tail/shank to neck/shoulder junction for a cartridge oal at 3.700" the usable powder space increase is at 5 gr. over the 28 Nosler .......

Haven't ordered the reamer yet, still on the fence on doing it....as it offers no improvement over my 7mm Long Range Hunter that has 108.5 gr h20 case capacity and a shorter cartridge oal at 3.530"

I think a 30 Nosler Imp 40* is a better idea but then again I already have the 300 Long Range Hunter,

Looking at the Nosler case over and over again ever since it first came out I just can't find the fire to build anything off of it, much like the 375 Ruger case ..... Just nothing there !

The full length 300 RUM case, the 338 Norma Mag and 338 Lapua Mag are far better choices to base a wildcat on and go through all the expense of getting one built ..........


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One year ago yesterday, I designed my reamer print for the .28 Nosler Improved. Only reason I know that is because I checked the time stamp this afternoon when I saw this thread. :D

But I never got around to ordering a reamer.

Fred might remember the conversation back in early January about the 7MM (Mud Magnum). :D
Anyone played around with improving the 28 nosler? I was thinking about blowing the taper out, pushing the shoulder back a little, and changing to a 40 degree shoulder. I have a new barrel coming and lots of 28 brass. I have to order a reamer regardless since it will be throated for the 195 bergers.

When I was still considering my .270 AI (original consideration was .280 AI) build, most was trying to talk me out of it because of the associated costs and what little gain I will be getting; that fueled me more to go forward with the project and I couldn't be any happier with my decision. :):D:cool:gun)
Here is my version of the 28 Nosler Improved .
being that the case neck length is the same @ .274" fireforming is a snap with no case forming required ...... much like the 280 AI etc .... can use factory 28 Nosler loads or handloads to bang them out to the 40* shoulder and less body taper version .....

Case h20 capacity is 102.4 gr to top of case mouth ........all of the 2.8 gr increase in capacity is usable powder space and coupled with the Berger 195 gr bullet seated at boat tail/shank to neck/shoulder junction for a cartridge oal at 3.700" the usable powder space increase is at 5 gr. over the 28 Nosler .......

Haven't ordered the reamer yet, still on the fence on doing it....as it offers no improvement over my 7mm Long Range Hunter that has 108.5 gr h20 case capacity and a shorter cartridge oal at 3.530"

I think a 30 Nosler Imp 40* is a better idea but then again I already have the 300 Long Range Hunter,

Looking at the Nosler case over and over again ever since it first came out I just can't find the fire to build anything off of it, much like the 375 Ruger case ..... Just nothing there !

The full length 300 RUM case, the 338 Norma Mag and 338 Lapua Mag are far better choices to base a wildcat on and go through all the expense of getting one built ..........

Thanks for the replies. I'm not worried about the additional time to form brass or the minimal gain. It's going to be a long winter so I have lots of time and prepping everything is half the fun. Swamplord, how hard is it to form brass for your 7 lrh? I thought about going this route as well after seeing your other posts about the cartridge. I just ordered a pierce titanium action with a magnum bolt face but I'm sure I could change it quick if you can convince me it's worth the switch! Thanks again guys
Sorry man, I let my personal and biased feelings creep in on my post, my apologies ....

The 28 Nosler is a great cartridge but suffers from the factory throat and the silly "thirty aught six length" hysteria that means nothing if you are using a long action to begin with ..... I figured if I'll be getting a custom reamer might as well improve the case for full capacity and 5 grains of usable case capacity ain't bad, especially if you are pushing a 195 gr 7mm bullet, that extra fuel will help send that bullet faster than what the overly long 7mm STW ever will ...... 102. 4 gr case capacity has a nice boiler room but since I already had the 7mm LRH with 108.5 gr capacity It was pointless for me to mess with the 28 Nosler Imp 40*......
Instead I dedicated my time and money in developing the 7mm Slayer ...

Forming the 7mm LRH is simple .... I neck down the 338 Norma Mag case to 7mm far down enough until I can just close the bolt on the case and fireform with WLR primers, 20 gr blue dot and cream of wheat capped with tissue paper, cases come out neatly formed with a hint of rounded edges on shoulder but are ready to load and shoot , I ran out of 300 Norma brass by using it all up for my 6.5 Prometheus wildcat and haven't used it but a few times, case neck is necked down to 7mm cal then the rest is the same, although I noticed that the 338 Norma Mag neck length grows outward a bit after sizing and fireforming and the 300 Norma brass actually gets a bit shorter .... since my max case length for the 7mm LRH is 2.502" the 338 Norma brass allows for longer necks and I ended up fireforming 100 pcs of brass with zero losses ....... Murphy rules as usual, soon as I got my 100 pcs cow banged I received my Whidden Hydraulic case forming die for the 7mm LRH ..... simply place a necked down 300 Norma or 338 Norma case, fill die with water and strike with hammer 3-4 times and formed case pops out .... no need for cow banging !

For initial ammo loading I'm using a Hornady 7mm Rem Mag seater die, the ovesized for 7mm RM ID in the die is a perfect fit and the Hornady style of floating case neck aligner and bullet seater stem work great in seating bullets with no runout .... Will be getting a set of Whidden dies after I have a few cases fired 3 times to send in, also can send in a set of 300 Norma or 338 Norma dies to JLC for conversion to bushing dies for minimal cost ........
One year ago yesterday, I designed my reamer print for the .28 Nosler Improved. Only reason I know that is because I checked the time stamp this afternoon when I saw this thread. :D

But I never got around to ordering a reamer.

Fred might remember the conversation back in early January about the 7MM (Mud Magnum). :D
Oh yes.
I received my Whidden Hydraulic case forming die for the 7mm LRH ..... simply place a necked down 300 Norma or 338 Norma case, fill die with water and strike with hammer 3-4 times and formed case pops out .... no need for cow banging !

That's the way I form my 6.5SLR. The only way to go. It took a couple tries, but I finally got it set so they come out of the hydro die with the ever so slight feeling of resistance when I close the bolt.:)
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