Primers in stock

You yourself said you are reloading for other people so your obviously not buying just for personal use and if people don't have enough to last a couple years after these 2 years something is wrong.
Like I said long ago you can be part of the solution or part of the problem its very simple use every excuse in the book you want its the truth.
You yourself said you are reloading for other people so your obviously not buying just for personal use and if people don't have enough to last a couple years after these 2 years something is wrong.
Like I said long ago you can be part of the solution or part of the problem its very simple use every excuse in the book you want its the truth.
I load for my rifles and I load for a few others but the others are a small percentage. Maybe a few hundred a year. To say that just because someone doesn't have two years worth of primers that something is wrong is super judgmental. You are obviously at a place in your life that you have an abundance of components. I personally am young and have lots of other things going on in my adult life. I started reloading at 16 years old and have continued to through today but there were lots of real slim years there where i loaded for hunting only and maybe shooting one or two times a year. I've gotten married had 4 kids bought two houses and we've started two businesses over the past 9 years. So as you can imagine there wasn't much $ to go around and out to luxury items like reloading components. So there was never any stocking up to be done. Now that I'm in a position to be able to afford things we can't find them. I will say this, I won't be caught like this again the next time the prices/ availability go to crap!
. So as you can imagine there wasn't much $ to go around and out to luxury items like reloading components
So what does this do for the next guy inline in the same position or your 4 kids?
If your gonna call me judgemental for stating facts and truth so be it.
Remember these conversations in about 8 more years when primers are 300.00 if people don't come to there sense.
Read the letter Vista put out, its price conditioning nothing more nothing less.
Shooting is gonna turn into the haves and have nots just like alot of sports were only a few who can afford it.
Just because I can doesn't mean I'm going to.
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Remember these conversations in about 8 more years when primers are 300.00 if people don't come to there sense.
Read the letter Vista put out, its price conditioning nothing more nothing less
Yep and I sure hope it doesn't come to that but let's be honest the people that are really gouging are the ones hording and selling on g.b. or local sights for insane money.

A guy buying a couple bricks of primers for 150 a shot to get him through a tough time isn't the person to blame here. Your frustration is at the wrong group of people.

As far as my kids go, they will have it much better then I did as my dad didn't shoot at all or reload of course.

Things will come back to a semi normal as they have in the past.
A guy buying a couple bricks of primers for 150 a shot to get him through a tough time isn't the person to blame here.
How many tens of thousands of guys are just buying couple bricks?
1,000 primers will last quite awhile if just for hunting purposes, Hell theres some calibers we shoot won't even last the barrel life.
Yourself said there essential, to what nothing but wants. Hell 100 primers would get me through the next 5 years hunting.
Whos to blame then the next guy who just buys couple bricks for 150.00 then the next, next, next?
Nobody wants to take part in the blame
Most everything is hard to get presently. I've cut back my shooting a lot over the pass couple of years. I have two rifles being built also. I've been acquiring Powder, Bullets, Cases, Primers. Staying stocked up is the name of the game. I have done a fair amount of it over the years. If I see items on sale and it's something I use, I get them. Even if I have them on hand. It add to my stock. So people have gotten short and didn't stay stock up. It's to bad. I won't pay 150 or brick of primers. That's better than 3x to much. I have learned over the years not to have to have something. There is other ways to skin the cat.
How many tens of thousands of guys are just buying couple bricks?
1,000 primers will last quite awhile if just for hunting purposes, Hell theres some calibers we shoot won't even last the barrel life.
Yourself said there essential, to what nothing but wants. Hell 100 primers would get me through the next 5 years hunting.
Whos to blame then the next guy who just buys couple bricks for 150.00 then the next, next, next?
Nobody wants to take part in the blame
Well, you've got to look at all the new and upcoming shooters that have taken on the sport. So yeah, a lot of people are buying them. As many as are being listed are being sold. Nobody is to be blamed for wanting to try out a new sport or continue to pay for things to do what they love and have a passion for. Stop being grumpy because of the inflation and gouging. It's what we have to work with currently. Things will settle back down as long as laws and regulations don't fight against that. That's what we really have to worry about.
Stop being grumpy because of the inflation and gouging.
This has nothing to do with being grumpy, my whats right and yours is obviously different.
Your just trying to justify the means.
Hate me all you want doesn't matter to me, I know what I say is the truth and thats all that matters to me even if it ruffles some feathers and it obviously has yours
This was an interesting read. I believe there is a great deal of merit in both positions. Obviously the price will be set at whatever the market will bare. It's basic supply and demand. If the supply finally catches up, I would expect prices to normalize to some extent. It will never go back to what once was normal, but full shelves will drive the prices down. Gouging is rampant and fueled by panic buyers. I get where desperation can set in when supply levels are exhausted. Been there done that. However, we have to maintain some self control. Only buy what you really need at these excessive prices. This is not time to build up stock for multiple years of shooting. That's my two cents….
This has nothing to do with being grumpy, my whats right and yours is obviously different.
Your just trying to justify the means.
Hate me all you want doesn't matter to me, I know what I say is the truth and thats all that matters to me even if it ruffles some feathers and it obviously has yours
I don't hate you at all actually. I understand your pov and respect it. I wish I didn't have to buy primers at an elevated price but that wasn't my reality. I do know with much certainty that the prices will come back down. Will they come back to the same price they were before all this mess? Probably not. This debate is nothing new as old timers were paying cents on the dollar of what we paid for any of this stuff. You're not completely right in your thoughts regardless of what you think. Nobody is right here and if you can't see that then I'm sorry. This is the price we pay for living in a free market and trust me, Its better then any alternative. Supply will go up and demand will come down. It's already starting. There's more powder on the shelves and loaded ammo then I've seen in a long time. It will level back out like it always does.

Next time around I'll be sitting deep on a big fat stack of primers and then as you probably be pointing the finger at those that dive into buying at an inconvenient time.