We are our own worst enemies with powders like retumbo etc


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2016
It's so funny how these powders become popular, then scarce, then everywhere again and again. About 3 years ago retumbo was everywhere. I was looking at it for my 300wm load development, and I remember so, so many guys saying they weren't having good luck with it in their various cartridges, and how I should try this one or that. Then suddenly it got "popular" and everyone wanted it. There is so much gold rush mentality in this sport.
its a lot like the panic buying of toilet paper if you ask me. We create the panic and force each other to hoard. I'm sure the powder companies don't mind this game we all play. I finally scored some H1000 and N570 recently and it felt like I won the super bowl! 😂
I hear ya.

I scored 8 pounds of H1k last year. The year before it was H4350 then RL26-both scored from this site.

Most recently it has been varget which I'm wanting for a 6 dasher about to be completed. I was alerted on another site that gene sears has it. Poof, 6 pounds will be at my house tomorrow.

It's out there, you just have to keep your eye open and pounce when it shows up.
I don't really worry about a particular powder anymore. I've got enough toys that if I run a bit short on food for one I'll simply shoot another for a spell or get another load together. I've usually got a few hundred rounds loaded for each rifle anyway, so running short on replenishment for loaded rounds is all that usually happens. Right now I'm a bit short on the 4350's and h4895, but I have a keg of I4895 to sub for the H4895 and a few # of h414 if I really need 4350 burn rate. It's probably time for me to burn up odds and ends powders that I really don't use anyway; I could probably load a couple thousand rounds just on that stuff.
Fellow living near me passed away. Went to estate auction and bought SOME of his powder.

had to build new shelves !

It's so funny how these powders become popular, then scarce, then everywhere again and again. About 3 years ago retumbo was everywhere. I was looking at it for my 300wm load development, and I remember so, so many guys saying they weren't having good luck with it in their various cartridges, and how I should try this one or that. Then suddenly it got "popular" and everyone wanted it. There is so much gold rush mentality in this sport.
its a lot like the panic buying of toilet paper if you ask me. We create the panic and force each other to hoard. I'm sure the powder companies don't mind this game we all play. I finally scored some H1000 and N570 recently and it felt like I won the super bowl! 😂
Congrats on the win!! Lol
It's so funny how these powders become popular, then scarce, then everywhere again and again. About 3 years ago retumbo was everywhere. I was looking at it for my 300wm load development, and I remember so, so many guys saying they weren't having good luck with it in their various cartridges, and how I should try this one or that. Then suddenly it got "popular" and everyone wanted it. There is so much gold rush mentality in this sport.
its a lot like the panic buying of toilet paper if you ask me. We create the panic and force each other to hoard. I'm sure the powder companies don't mind this game we all play. I finally scored some H1000 and N570 recently and it felt like I won the super bowl! 😂
its kinda like benchrest shooters 1 guy wins a couple matches using such and such next time out everyone is using such and such a couple people have good luck with a certain powder and it gets out now everybody is trying it
Kinda why im switching some stuff to BLC2. It's always on the shelf. I used to search for the perfect stuff and have one load per rifle. Now im just loading whatever works. Kind of a pain to be in a constant load development phase, but it is what it is. Ill be a better more knowledgeable reloader eventually because of it.
I agree Totally and the guys that run it all the time are sitting back going..... I told you so but now the cool kids are saying its cool so its OK to use it now 😂 😂 😂 !!!!

what really sucks for guys that don't have it is the crowd that shouts """ HEY EVERY ONE INCLUDING GUYS THAT DON'T NEED IT BUT WILL BUY IT ALL BECAUSE THEY'RE DICKS, ITS IN STOCK HERE"" this is kinda EDITED BY ADMIN and really doesn't allow for the retailers to stock back up because you have horders who actually don't even NEED IT OR use it, buy it all up and then sit on it and turn a profit!!!
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Kinda why im switching some stuff to BLC2. It's always on the shelf. I used to search for the perfect stuff and have one load per rifle. Now im just loading whatever works. Kind of a pain to be in a constant load development phase, but it is what it is. Ill be a better more knowledgeable reloader eventually because of it.
Same here. When I first started loading for one of my rifles the preferred powder was out of stock everywhere. I looked in my manual and bought the powder with the highest powder fill density and okay velocity. I bought 8 pounds of it (W760) and haven't felt bad one bit. It is fun to play with flavor of the month powder but I usually just buy what will work.
everyone is chasing that extra 100fps when another click or two of elevation will fix it don't get me wrong I want the extra fps also but I can click two more on it versus waiting on a certain powder and being ****ed all the time cause I cant get it
Well...even HERE where H1000, Varget and RETUMBO are made it's difficult to get at times. Even H4350 has been difficult to get at times.
I have 8lbs (actually 4kg) of H50BMG to use in my 338EDGE & 338-416 Rigby Improved 45° shoulder that has not been opened yet due to the COVID-19. This should last a lifetime for me, might dabble some more with my 300's with it. Earlier testing proved fruitful and needs tweaking. I still have part of the 1lb I initially bought.
The hoarders are annoying, I cannot afford to hoard anything, not even toilet paper...life is always changing and I had to take a HUGE pay cut due to work injuries, Just to survive paycheck to paycheck, but it is what it is...wife and 2 kids etc, etc.

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