Why the mad dash on reloading supplies?

Obviously, I touched a nerve with some talking about the greedy, selfish, paranoid, and the gov't. It's the Democrats fault![/QUOTE]

I'm going to dissect your short post......

I have no idea how you arrived at that conclusion. In fact, if you study the legislators and senators, you'll quicky discover that this is a bi-partisan issue and not relegated to one part or another.

That statement speaks volumes of your lack of knowledge. I suggest you do some research before making statements that have no basis in fact other than what you heard.....

This entire forumn is about civil discussion not immature biased points of view which is why I suggested that you stick to the techinical sections.

Far as replying to you via private message, enjoy the wait.

Iv'e said my piece with you.

Have a nice day.
I'm glad your done. Wow......Finally!!!!! You've sounded like a real jerk off for quite awhile. Not sure what your problem is. If you can't see the sarcasm in what I wrote you must REALLY be an old dusty fart. Or isn't that allowed here. Get off your high horse you frick'n nutbag!

I was pretty civil to you after your self righteous, arrogant, asinine comments to me. BTW, "I" don't want or need advice from you and nor will I be waiting for it if you truly believe your that special. That should be obvious to someone as smart as you right!

"This entire forumn is about civil discussion not immature biased points of view"

Really.......are you kidding me! I would've never guessed that given your commentary.
Alright guys enough of the name calling. Lets try to keep this civil.

I have found primers and powder locally and they still have not raised their prices. Good people in that there shop.

Back to original intent of the thread. I downloaded the proposed ban bill from frankenstein's site today. There is no mentioning of ammo ban. Hopefully the fear will subside and inventories will get somewhat back to normal in a couple months. I know, wishful thinking, but it could if people would friggin chill. She won't even get enough votes to get it out of the Senate as written. Yes, I am being optimistic. It makes me sleep well at night. I work with a bunch of pessimists and they don't sleep! Long live the NRA!!! Carry on
The proposed ban bill from frankenstein is one of hundreds of different approaches on different levels, It gets the headlines but there are many others. Many of which do address ammunition and the sale of. I am optimistic that most things will settle down but make no mistake, They are stirring the hornets nest and nothing relative to firearms is currently "safe". They are going to sling everything at the wall eventually. What sticks to it? who knows at this point.
It's called mass hysteria.........too bad, makes us look just as ridiculous as the jerks trying to take away our rights. If the time, energy, and money were put into the fight, we would be far better off. IMHO.
You know the "funniest" part about the hoarders...? All that hoarding leaves a distinct trail that leads right back to their very doorstep. In history the Govt. has sent in the army to take care of civilian messes. Part of the vow a soldier takes is "against all enemies foreign and domestic".

So, yeah the hoarding is bad on numerous levels.

Bowing out now... these kinds of thoughts are not productive.
Keep in mind that various schemes have been attempted and have failed for one reason or another concerning ammunition and it's availabliity.

One that comes to mind was the serializing of cases and projectiles, much like barcoding to track usage and presumably to limit sales. That didn't work out.

Then, formulating primer components so they would have a definite shelf life, say 2 years and no bang. That didn't work either.

Then there is a proposed limit on just how many of what you can buy in an alloted time. That might work for factory ammunition but for handloaders (like myself) thats won't work either.

Better yet is added a tax like on cigaretts and booze comensurate with the commodity, in this case a hefty excise tax. That might work. Give more revenue to the government so they can pay down the deficit...rightlightbulb

If I was a politician, I'd just eliminate all magazine fed rifles and handguns and only allow single shot firearms to be sold and require a comprehensive background check for all firearms bought, kind of like what I had to do to get an FFL.

That way, the Second Amendment isn't compromised and citizens still have the right to bear arms against a tyranical government, just one shot at a time.:D That would also alleviate the 'panic buying' of factory ammunition and components. You don't need a thousand rounds of whatever, when you can only ignite one at a time....

Aren't you glad I'm not in Washington??
I can do some serious damage with a single shot. Break open single shots like the tc's can be loaded and shot VERY fast if you are good with them.:D I had a contender in 357(also had another contender in 30-30 and 35 rem) and often shot a hundred or two in a short afternoon with it. I just don't like some s.o.b. telling me I can't own a little metal box with a spring in it. :cool:
Very glad your not a politician.:D

I look at it this way.... We shoot Long Range rifles and typically, even with a detachable magazine, I usually leave the magazine out and chamber one at a time. I think the only time I have any rounds in the mag is when I'm carrying the rifle (well, my 308, the 338 needs a lackey to carry it...:)) and then I have one chambered on half safety and 3 in the box mag.

Don't believe I've ever cycled the 338 with the mag locked in. I'm a little concerned about loosing one. They are $118.00 a pop.

On select fire you can only send one at a time anyway, no matter how many are in the magazine and bullets weigh, especially 3 series and larger and weight is always a consideration when hunting rough country.

I've never been on any hunt with more than a dozen rounds for each rifle, total. At least in my perspective, excess ammunition capacity is just that excess baggage.

Thats why, I really have no issue with a magazine capacity ban for rifles, especially magnum caliber bolt guns. Handguns are a different animal. Cumo's 7 round limit isn't about 7 rounds. He knows that a standard 1911 magazine (depending on frame size) can be up to 9, 10 with one chambered so the 7 limit is a thinly disguised attack to limit any amount.

My handgun of choice is a full size Wilson Combat with 9+1 in 45 auto Winchester ball. I guess I could add a spacer to the mag to reduce capacity 6+1 like we put spacers in pump shotguns up here in Michigan to comply with hunting regulations, no big deal. I have some solace in the fact that I'll probably skate clean with my little Bond Snakeslayer. Single action over and under 45-410 2 shot. Bet Feinstein has never seen one......:D
My handgun of choice is a colt 80 fullsize loaded seven+1 from an 8rnd. The truth=Handguns,shotguns all the scary rifles Ak,AR,DR,FAL, etc,etc. Yes I have them and Dozens of evil full capacity magazines for each and drums, etc,etc, do not shoot them much anymore, not even sure I will again.......................................................My most lethal weapon excluding my deviant nature (joke) is a 13.5lb single shot 338 edge (hands down the most "dangerous"). On principle and with respect to everyone else's rights I am adamantly opposed to further trampling of the second amendment, More than ever. If you give them an inch, they will take it and come back for more until there is nothing left but fond memories of freedom. A free people are MEANINGFULLY armed. No free man should be less armed than those who manage his affairs (government) and yet we are already to a large extent, There is no need for more, No good will come of it.
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