Why the mad dash on reloading supplies?

OTOH Why the <bleeeep> is everywhere out of 6mm Remington, 257 Bob and 7mm Mauser. Those are SUPER popular rounds :rolleyes:

anything that goes bang right now my friend, anything that goes bang....

I'm even having a hard time finding some heavy match bullets for my 300 rum. 225 grain hdy hpbt's aren't going to be driven out of an ar10, but they are gone anyway...
Been following this post for several days now. Funny, enlightening, and sad all at the same time. :rolleyes:

Could not read every post, but I think a huge tax increase on ammo and reloading supplies is coming. Just my 2 cents. If they cannot stop you from owning a gun, they might make it so you cannot afford to shoot one.
Ding Ding...
We have a winner folks! farout hits the nail on the head. The jerks in Washington can easily just triple or worse the taxes on ammo and components. Then they don't hav e to try and dismantle the 2nd Ammendment. lightbulb
anything that goes bang right now my friend, anything that goes bang....

I'm even having a hard time finding some heavy match bullets for my 300 rum. 225 grain hdy hpbt's aren't going to be driven out of an ar10, but they are gone anyway...

I know what you mean, it's the same for my 300wm. I saw where Berger had discontinued some so I went to their website. There is a notice comes up that says due to the high demand for certain caliber bullets they have ceased production of some caliber of bullet to free up machinery for those in high demand due to the political climate after the election. They had a list and there was many on it.
This list was up before the school shooting so things had already been headed down hill for us! I kinda guess the same may be going on with other bullet makers, who knows. But even at that I have a hard time seeing how some bullets have sold out myself. I did find a few bullets this week that I'd been looking for but had to get one in a different weight but it will be OK.
I'm thinking in a year or so you will see a bunch of reloading stuff up for sale but I could be wrong.
If you owned a factory, would you spend capital cost (new machines, new space, new hiring) to produce a product that might be banned? To produce a product that demand might fall through the floor on?

OTOH Why the <bleeeep> is everywhere out of 6mm Remington, 257 Bob and 7mm Mauser. Those are SUPER popular rounds :rolleyes:

In as much as I am in business, not in the firearm or component business I might add, capital expenditures are based on many varibles other than demand and supply of a product. Many business base capital purchases on 'anticipated' demand, something I do.

While it might be banned (I seriously doubt it), in reality, consumer buying of projectiles, powder and other components is a very small percentage of the manufacturers business. The government and it ancillary armed agencies buy most of the ammunition.

The most obvious example that comes to mind is Federal. They have some neat video's on You-Tube about what they do. You might take a look.

Others are Colt Industries and Olin, both big, big government suppliers, first tier contractors.

I have a good friend who is a Federal Agent and he regularly is at the range expending hundreds of rounds of various calibers to which he always chides me.... You paid for it....:)

I admit I did. So did you.........
My favorite shop down in Tacoma had 4,000 Fed 210s on the shelf as of this morning. I called because my nephew in Bozeman can't find any. They also have a pretty good bunch of powder including H1000 and Retumbo, tons of WSM brass, an OK selection of bullets and the place was pretty full of guns - no ARs though. The local Wholesale Sports is pretty wiped out of primers but you could get some bullets and powder though maybe not the bullets you would like. On an upbeat note the local paper had a pretty big spread on "gun control" and finished by saying that there is enough opposition in Congress to prevent them from pulling off a ban on assault weapons, noting that Feinstein didn't even talk up her own bill when she had the chance but it looks like background checks for private sales may be on the way. So there you go - no need to panic buy ARs or reloading supplies - like anybody will listen to that idea.
Been following this post for several days now. Funny, enlightening, and sad all at the same time. :rolleyes:

Could not read every post, but I think a huge tax increase on ammo and reloading supplies is coming. Just my 2 cents. If they cannot stop you from owning a gun, they might make it so you cannot afford to shoot one.

My comment is simply, if you hunt, like me, you don't need large amounts of loaded ammunition. If you are about ****ing away rounds at the range or out back of your house, thats another story. Thats what 22's are for, not magnum rounds.....

I don't. I might send 2 dozen rounds from each of my hunting rifles in a year (once sighted and ready to rock) so I don't care if the tax goes up. Besides I have enough inventory in components and factory loads to run for years without buying anything. Powders and primers last indefinitely if kept sealed and in a humidity controlled atmsophere. Brass goes multiple reloads if maintained and annealed properly and not overloaded. Bullets, I have thousands and I have the capability to malke my own if necessary.

No issue here. Foresight is always better than hindsight. History repeats itself, I knew it was only a matter of time and all hell would break loose again (like it did 4 years ago) so like a good Boy Scout, I was prepared.

I might need some odd stuff, but I can wait. Matter of fact, I have items on backorder with Midway, Grafs and Natchez. No hurry here. We, as a whole need to get over the 'I want it now' ****.

Finally, in my view, this hobby/sport isn't a cheap date in the first place. If can't run with big dogs if you squat to ****....
Been following this post for several days now. Funny, enlightening, and sad all at the same time. :rolleyes:

Could not read every post, but I think a huge tax increase on ammo and reloading supplies is coming. Just my 2 cents. If they cannot stop you from owning a gun, they might make it so you cannot afford to shoot one.

It has already been brought up from what I've been reading. "Big tax" on all ammo and componets. You will even have to buy a license ( $50 from what I read )to purchase it and go through a background check to get the license. The license will only be good for 1 year so you will be out the money for that every year. Every puchase will go on a federal list so they will keep track of how much you buy and when and where you buy it. Some other states want to be like New York and stop any shipping of ammo or componets from out of state to the state like New York did.
These are are just some proposals being brought up now. Before they get done we will see many more assinine laws I am sure, for that is what they do. So knowing all this I know it feeds panic, but I hope we can keep them succeeding in doing what they have set out to do to us.
Been following this post for several days now. Funny, enlightening, and sad all at the same time. :rolleyes:

Could not read every post, but I think a huge tax increase on ammo and reloading supplies is coming. Just my 2 cents. If they cannot stop you from owning a gun, they might make it so you cannot afford to shoot one.

+1.............. economic warfare 101............don't fight someone you can starve.
I just went looking...you know ... Just To Look... *cough* hahah holy ... :cool:

Almost afraid to actually say it, but the 6.5 CM is still available for brass :) I do not have one of those, maybe I should build one eh?
It has already been brought up from what I've been reading. "Big tax" on all ammo and componets. You will even have to buy a license ( $50 from what I read )to purchase it and go through a background check to get the license. The license will only be good for 1 year so you will be out the money for that every year. Every puchase will go on a federal list so they will keep track of how much you buy and when and where you buy it. Some other states want to be like New York and stop any shipping of ammo or componets from out of state to the state like New York did.
These are are just some proposals being brought up now. Before they get done we will see many more assinine laws I am sure, for that is what they do. So knowing all this I know it feeds panic, but I hope we can keep them succeeding in doing what they have set out to do to us.

I don't think New York has done this yet, maybe New York City (the jerks that get to make the rules for the rest of the state....)

But I know when the bill first came to light, Wal-Mart said they would sell what ammo is on hand and wait to see what happens for being ID'd for every ammo purchase.

As far as reloading components or loaded ammo I havn't heard any mailing restrictions, YET
I have been watching and reading and I think we are going to be ok. The panic buying will stop and by summer I think we are going to see more and more ammo, ext.. in the supply chain. Shooting related companies want to make money, they want product to sell.

But I wish you guys and gals would stop talking about big taxes as people read this and if you all make it sound like that is ok then you are going to see it. It is not ok with me, life is expensive enough right now and if any of my politicians start supporting that bs I am going to call their office and then vote them out.

I am a law abiding citizen and I shoot and hunt. They can go pick on the bad guys.

God Bless America !!
"They can go pick on the bad guys."

They won't because you are an easier target. Criminals do't buy ammunition, they steal it, like guns or obtain it/them black market style (reminds me of Holder and Fast and Furious).....

I can survive any background check, keep in mind I hold an FFL already so microscopic background checks are the norm for me. To hold an FFL, you have to be a model citizen. I'm on every list anyway....

My accountant sent me a note a while back that stated that the average citizen is taxed at approximately 50 cents on every dollar earned, taking into account all levied taxes, Income Tax, sales tax, excise tax, death tax, business tax...the list goes on.

Government entities get all the tax money and still manage to go broke and want more. Viscious circle those politicians have created.

Problem is, with barely 50% of the country paying taxes to support ther other 50%, something has to give and soon.

Ever noticed that politicians never take a pay cut? I have.

So, they impose a hefty tax on ammunition, I look it as more entitlement money. I also think to myself, 'maybe I should go on entitlement too'. Seems to be the American way, the socialist way.

Keep in mind that the shooting sports are a luxury, not a necessity, at least not for 95% of firearm owners. Luxuries get taxed at a disappropriate amount compared to necessities. Thats how it works.

You gotta 'pay to play'. It's how it works in this country, like it or not. I guess if you don't like it, you can go live somewhere else and I don't see a mass exodus from this country.......
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