Why the mad dash on reloading supplies?

War and Peace....

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing


Edmund Burke...

The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.
Something like this

San Diego Police Chief: We Can Disarm Americans Within a …

AmmoLand.com - Shooting Sports News4 days ago

The Police Chief Landsdowne is certainly 1, a Democrat, 2, a flake and 3, he must be related to Feinstein, he too looks like 5 miles of bad road.

Must be something in the water out there........:)

Disarmed in a gneration? Could be. I won't be here to worry about it.

Come to think about it, neither will he.:rolleyes:

What an idiot.
in regards to the disarm citizens within a generation, it's 100% true.

i'm only 24, so i grew up with background checks and pistol permits

how many of you grew up, or had parents/grandparents that grew up in a time when you could walk down to the store and if you had the cash you had the gun, handgun or long gun?

they are trying to take them from us one at a time, just a bit harder to get this, then a bit harder for that, now we don't really "need" the first so lets just outlaw you still have X,Y,Z....then they take X off the market becuase it isn't "needed"

Excellent point. People tend to be far to dismissive when plans are revealed right in front of their face.
A few well worn terms come to mind....

'Bait and Switch'

'Smoke and mirrors'

'He said that she said that you said'

Like I said, the end game will come, one chess move at a time. Politics is nothing more than a chess game played with ignorant sheeple.

I wonder what happened to politicians that took a sworn oath on the Bible to uphold written law and represent the interests of the people.....

Guess they had their toes crossed.....lol
A few well worn terms come to mind....
I wonder what happened to politicians that took a sworn oath on the Bible to uphold written law and represent the interests of the people.....


They got a seat on the front row. In HELL!:rolleyes:
I think that is very true, part of our problem. And I have little doubt certain government officials are asking manufacturers they have contracts with to put the sport shooter on the back burner so to speak.

But we will get our stuff. I do know one thing, I am staying away from esoteric calibers and component needs at least for a while.


As for Rahm Emmanuel, as soon as I heard about Newtown I thought about that quote and how it is used as a mantra by Obama.

I spoke with my buddy at Mossberg yesterday. I've been wanting to buy my wife the MMR Tactical, a very nice rifle. I can't find one anywhere so I called him and was told that they (Maverick Arms) have cut production to only fill orders, not stock shelves. They don't want to have guns out there that they can't sell. And he did say...'hurry'. Sounded ominous.

In my mind, it's going to be very difficult for Obamerica to rule separate east and west coast govenments divided by the real USA in between!

Animo et Fide "Courage and Faith"

In my mind, it's going to be very difficult for Obamerica to rule separate east and west coast govenments divided by the real USA in between!

Animo et Fide "Courage and Faith"


You are sbsolutely right. The east and the west are already lost causes............it is the middle that is going to determine our fate. I live in the armpit of the country(Northeast) and its not pretty. We are counting heavily on the "Middle" sticking to their guns! They are 100% focused on you. Watch what King Obama does over the next couple of weeks. He headed for Minneapolis tomorrow!
I spoke with my buddy at Mossberg yesterday. I've been wanting to buy my wife the MMR Tactical, a very nice rifle. I can't find one anywhere so I called him and was told that they (Maverick Arms) have cut production to only fill orders, not stock shelves. They don't want to have guns out there that they can't sell. And he did say...'hurry'. Sounded ominous.

In my mind, it's going to be very difficult for Obamerica to rule separate east and west coast govenments divided by the real USA in between!

Animo et Fide "Courage and Faith"


I suspect thats true of all manufacturers of that platform. The uncertainty of selling a finished unit overshadows demand. Look at it this way. As a business, the manufacturer already has production and associated costs in the unit when it goes to a retailer. If those units are deemed illegal to sell, the manufacturer looses big time. Thats just sound business sense and practice.

I'd do exactly the same thing.
"Thats just sound business sense and practice.

I'd do exactly the same thing."

You would, I would and anyone with capitol on the line would.............but..... we all would catch hell for it from the new breed that have drank the "class warfare and all business is bad" cool aid. I am afraid allot of folks just do not view things from a safe and sound business perspective and they call you selfish if you do.
This thread has drifted a bit...

Since you bring up NEW BUSINESS Practice...
The newest way of doing business is Flat Out SHORT TERM ONLY.... there is no intermediate and definitely no Long Term decisions to be made anymore if they can even remotely help it. "how can I best rape this company and get away with it..." seems to be the creed.

Used to be you had a mix of companies like that, but you had some companies that were more about the Intermediate, and usually a few good old Gold Standards you could depend on to be looking Down The Road. It is not so much like that anymore. You really can get your *** sued off trying to "Look Down The Road" instead of Right In Front of Your Feet Only.

I am all for GOOD business, and even mixed business because it tends to keep things moving and "well mixed and fertile".

You can take this Newest Age of CEO and ..... In other News... Micheal Dell wants to take DELL back over "private" so he can "Look down the road" to get the company back on track. It seems the Short Term Only decisions have hurt "his" company from his point of view.

Don't appear to be 'drifting' much as therads go at least in my perspective. Why the shelves are bare and business practice go hand in hand, I'd say.

I can't help it that every swinging dick went ape and bought everything up. if they had the cash or credit, good for them.

Supplies will be resupplied but people need to exhibit patience, a virtue thats sadly lacking in the 'I want it now' society we live in. Like the 'just in time' stance of the auto manufacturers. Most times it works but somethimes it don't. In this case it don't.

Besides, what manufacturer is going to ramp up production when Washington might decide their products can no longer be marketed to the public. Thats poor business and leads to bankruptcy, lay off's and plant closures.

Far as components go, the same applies. Nothing is off the table yet in Washington.

Suppose the bureaucrats decide that serialization of ammunition is feasible. That means that ammunition manufacturers have to make sizeable capital expenditures in equipment and retool their lines to adapt if bullets (projectiles) and cases must be coded.

Maybe you don't realize it, but most propellants aren't manufactured in the United States, they are manufactured off shore, brought in in totes and repackaged by the manufacturers representatives here for domestic distribution so, those domestic repackagers projected their anticipated usage and never took into account the hysterical buying frenzy that occured bottom line is they aren't clarvoyant. No crystal ball, just projected usage based on past usage levels.

There was no way they could have anticipated that event. Consequently, powder of some grades isn't available and probably won't be for months.

The thread isn't drifting at all. In fact, it's staying right on the subject.
Offhand I can't think of any propellants any of "us" can buy here stateside that is MFG here stateside. ATK says that some of the RL15 is made stateside, but then I seem to see quite a bit is made elsewhere.

Powder, Primers, bullets, brass and all of that... im good :) I have had to shelve a project for my too young son due to current circumstances, but that's ok, he is only 2 years old atm :) But, better to have it sitting in the safe, which is locked and padlocked inside a closet, than to wait till he can actually use it. My grandfather had my Westernfield 30/30 in his safe several years before I was "old enough" and that was back when .... hehehe well... more than a couple years ago.

Besides, I need to put serious and significant thought into my son's project. I may very well make myself one just like his, so he feels like "hey dad uses it too..." There is no 1 will do it all WELL...but easily many that can do A-Lot-of-it-well-enough. So I will research supply, equipment longevity, and utility etc carefully, then do probably a dual build and heavy supply stock up so we will not have to worry about "bumps in the road" like this.

Actually considering the 6.5 Creedmoor or just maybe a 7 Creedmoor. No such thing as a Magic 1 for all ... :p Always about trade offs.

SCF... are you really as old and crusty as you come off ..? gun)
or are you just cantankerous in general?

Have a good one!
Talked to my brother inlaw today . He said that he had just came back from a gun show and he said that people where going crazy with the black rifles.(Thank you fainstein everyone is getting ARMED)

I also talked to a friend of mine and he said that a local pawn shop has started selling .223 rounds , 5 rounds per sandwich bag . The owner has sold 12 .223 Ar's in less than 2 weeks.

Its safe to say there is still a "mad dash" on reloading and shooting supplies.
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