Why the mad dash on reloading supplies?

I do agree that things will catch up for poeple cannot panic buy forever, I hope..!:rolleyes: I have found what I needed so I'm good to go, for others looking for something I wish you all luck.
Tim62988.. I have seen some posts on 3 different forums from people who live in New York who had placed orders to Mid Way, Sinclair and Cabelas. When they went to check out all said they could not ship ammo or any components to New York. I just assumed they meant the state of New York and not the city. I think I did read it was the whole state some where but cant remember, I'll see if I can find it.
Zep.. I agree any more taxes is not right and it will hurt many. Not all are rich and don't care and there is many who have to watch their money. There are many thousands who shoot several thousands of rounds a year at the range that will be hurt as well. These people do not **** away ammo at the range, they are serious match shooters and hunters. There are many shooting magnum rifles among them and are shooting group sizes at distances that would make many feel like they may need to squat to **** shooting with them. You do not attain the ablity to shoot like that shooting a dozen rounds a year, and that is OK if that is all you care to shoot.
But you will never hear any of these long range, or any match shooters brag or bluster about there shooting or brag about what they have or do not have. They have compassion for any new shooters and will help in anyway they can, even loan out a rifle and ammo to get some one interested.
I do not care if you shoot 5 rounds a year or 5,000 we are all gun owners and shooters I respect everyones right of choice in what they shoot or don't shoot. I am old enough and have enough I'll not be as badly bothered by all that is going on now, it is the youger ones I feel very sorry for and the ones who have to watch their penny's so to speak. Some are never going to get to see the freedom we have had if we do not all care enough to stick together.
Here is a link all should look at to get a idea of how assine things are getting, be sure to read about the psychological testing they want to impose as far as ammo, guns and home ispections
Assembly Bill 3676 sponsored by Representative Angelica Jimenez
No details yet!

And many more.

Being 60+ and having lived though a few of these focused attacks, the best strategy is two fold. Get every gun owner who isn't an NRA member to join. Only 7% are members! Second, vote against ANY politician that supports anti gun activities. Lets these liberals out of power.....60+million of us have a ton of power if we can focus our efforts.IMHO
"They can go pick on the bad guys."

They won't because you are an easier target. Criminals do't buy ammunition, they steal it, like guns or obtain it/them black market style (reminds me of Holder and Fast and Furious).....

I can survive any background check, keep in mind I hold an FFL already so microscopic background checks are the norm for me. To hold an FFL, you have to be a model citizen. I'm on every list anyway....

My accountant sent me a note a while back that stated that the average citizen is taxed at approximately 50 cents on every dollar earned, taking into account all levied taxes, Income Tax, sales tax, excise tax, death tax, business tax...the list goes on.

Government entities get all the tax money and still manage to go broke and want more. Viscious circle those politicians have created.

Problem is, with barely 50% of the country paying taxes to support ther other 50%, something has to give and soon.

Ever noticed that politicians never take a pay cut? I have.

So, they impose a hefty tax on ammunition, I look it as more entitlement money. I also think to myself, 'maybe I should go on entitlement too'. Seems to be the American way, the socialist way.

Keep in mind that the shooting sports are a luxury, not a necessity, at least not for 95% of firearm owners. Luxuries get taxed at a disappropriate amount compared to necessities. Thats how it works.

You gotta 'pay to play'. It's how it works in this country, like it or not. I guess if you don't like it, you can go live somewhere else and I don't see a mass exodus from this country.......

I can agree with background checks....Fair enough but if they think they can tax ammo and guns more than golf clubs and baseball bats they are going to have a tea party again!!!!
i think the biggest reason for shortages is that ATK has rec'd over 2.5 BILLION $
contracts for ammo in just the last 2 years. They own most of the ammo/component mfg's, and ther is only so much that can be produced on existing equipment, that dosn't leave much production line "room" for products for the relaoder market.
I think that is very true, part of our problem. And I have little doubt certain government officials are asking manufacturers they have contracts with to put the sport shooter on the back burner so to speak.

But we will get our stuff. I do know one thing, I am staying away from esoteric calibers and component needs at least for a while.


As for Rahm Emmanuel, as soon as I heard about Newtown I thought about that quote and how it is used as a mantra by Obama.
I can agree with background checks....Fair enough but if they think they can tax ammo and guns more than golf clubs and baseball bats they are going to have a tea party again!!!!

While I do not care about backround checks and like sidecarflip said even as a model citizen "I am already on there lists" I am opposed to a permanent record of all specific gun purchases. When we compromised the last time and allowed them the ability to check retail sales one of the things that let them sell that system was a stipulation that a permanent data base was not legal to establish..................Now they are coming for that, There was a trade and we did a deal, they got X we got Y. Now they want Y and X and eventually all the other letters in the alphabet. No matter what we let them do they will just keep coming back asking for more till there is nothing left. If it really was about background checks and had nothing to do with individual weaponry tracking, I would have no problem with it. As it is, Do not give them an inch. It will never be enough to appease them.
in regards to the disarm citizens within a generation, it's 100% true.

i'm only 24, so i grew up with background checks and pistol permits

how many of you grew up, or had parents/grandparents that grew up in a time when you could walk down to the store and if you had the cash you had the gun, handgun or long gun?

they are trying to take them from us one at a time, just a bit harder to get this, then a bit harder for that, now we don't really "need" the first so lets just outlaw you still have X,Y,Z....then they take X off the market becuase it isn't "needed"
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