Why the mad dash on reloading supplies?

Then there's competitive shooting , IBS, Benchrest, F-class etc those guys shoot like 1000 rounds a week or more just practicing! They actually NEED supplies worse. Its amazing what these companies churn out if you think about it..
Back between 94 and 2004 there was nothing really to speak of as far as the sport and reloading.. I'm not saying not a lot, but what we see today is that many, many more people are getting into this as hobby or sport or just as necessity.. I'm curious to know what % of our population reloaded before 1994 as compared to post 2004 and in between. I'll bet its doubled or tripled.. even in 80's it wasn't that widespread.. not many did it except probably the competition, but since technology has been increasing more and more.. I was always aware of it in the 80's and wanted to get into it, but never really took hold 'til about 6 years ago. It sure is addicting ..
Now you look at the media people, and all the stories they write about anti-guns, etc. You look at shootings and see all the hyped up stories.. "The man had 5,000 rounds of ammo in his trunk!',, 'what the heck is he going to do with 5,000 rounds of ammo?!'. These kind of comments get out there in a negative light.. then normal law-abiding citizens go out and buy a couple thousand rounds to last a while and somebody sees it and looks at you with that crook eye,, what the heck, that is the only problem I have with it is the uninformed people out there , they really know nothing about guns except gun equals bad. Then they go out and vote on anti-gun laws… I mean give me a break already.. well I'll stop my ranting , just got to venting.. havagood1.

I know you always say you are a young whippersnapper...

I just want to know, how can we tell if it's your dad posting or you posting?

I have this feeling that you both post under the same name??

Come clean, true or false?

The reason I say that is some things you post sound as though they are coming from an adult and I assume you are a young boy...assume, but I can't look at you so it's only an assumption.
This is 100% false, my Dad has never posted under my account/name. I dont know i would be able to prove it to you. If you search My First Antelope Hunt you will see a pic of me and my Dad with our antelope.
This is 100% false, my Dad has never posted under my account/name. I dont know i would be able to prove it to you. If you search My First Antelope Hunt you will see a pic of me and my Dad with our antelope.

Maybe I should have inserted a smiley face.... Was just giving you a hard time Riley....:)

I have no reason to doubt you, but you already know that....

Keep warm. It's cold out....
Then there's competitive shooting , IBS, Benchrest, F-class etc those guys shoot like 1000 rounds a week or more just practicing! They actually NEED supplies worse. Its amazing what these companies churn out if you think about it..
Back between 94 and 2004 there was nothing really to speak of as far as the sport and reloading.. I'm not saying not a lot, but what we see today is that many, many more people are getting into this as hobby or sport or just as necessity.. I'm curious to know what % of our population reloaded before 1994 as compared to post 2004 and in between. I'll bet its doubled or tripled.. even in 80's it wasn't that widespread.. not many did it except probably the competition, but since technology has been increasing more and more.. I was always aware of it in the 80's and wanted to get into it, but never really took hold 'til about 6 years ago. It sure is addicting ..
Now you look at the media people, and all the stories they write about anti-guns, etc. You look at shootings and see all the hyped up stories.. "The man had 5,000 rounds of ammo in his trunk!',, 'what the heck is he going to do with 5,000 rounds of ammo?!'. These kind of comments get out there in a negative light.. then normal law-abiding citizens go out and buy a couple thousand rounds to last a while and somebody sees it and looks at you with that crook eye,, what the heck, that is the only problem I have with it is the uninformed people out there , they really know nothing about guns except gun equals bad. Then they go out and vote on anti-gun laws… I mean give me a break already.. well I'll stop my ranting , just got to venting.. havagood1.

We went through that 'Hutaree' crap up here with the militant group over in Hillsdale County and the guy down in Ohio about 2 years ago (they were all vidicated when the Feds weren't able to prove they were doing anything other than preparing for doomsday (which apparently wasn't a bad idea looking at the current state of things....).

If you remember back, there was a big to-do about the guy in Ohio (I think around Fremont somewhere) having thousands of rounds of ammunition in his house, the media had a field day with that and the public was 'appalled'....right.

If you reload for competiton, once you devbelop a load and it works fine, you don't load 10 and forget, you load.....

I have no issue with that. It all goes back to the media and what they perpetrate as abnormal and what the public believes and the public is gullible and thats sad.

On a different note, I see that Natchez is offering an exclusive 'RCBS Tactical Reloading Kit' for loading AR type rounds including die sets. I have no issue with marketing but, IMO, now is not the time for that. It seems to me that it just adds unwanted fuel to the fire.....
Several times, when the gun grabbers have risen, they have threatened to impose high taxes on ammunition and relaoding supplies. They said if they can't get the guns, they will make it so expensive to shoot, that no one can afford it.
Anyone who does not understand that the ultimate goal of the gun grabbers is elimination of private ownership of firearms is ignorant of history (or chooses to ignore history). The 2nd Amendment (and the 3rd) is specifically directed against government tyranny. Reloading supplies are not a priority now, but the approach to total control is incremental.
This thread was about reloading supplies being depleted due to people in fear since the shooting. It is not a debate about the idiots in DC wanting to eliminate gun ownership. That WILL NOT ever happen. Period.
This thread was about reloading supplies being depleted due to people in fear since the shooting. It is not a debate about the idiots in DC wanting to eliminate gun ownership. That WILL NOT ever happen. Period.
People are in fear of one thing; the liberals will use any excuse they can to ban something. That's why the run on guns and ammo started with AR stuff and pistol stuff; it's a favorite for those who want to stoke enough fear in people that they will give up something.
The boat got rocked; with the supply chain being as tight as it is in business these days, that's all it took.
The run has progressed at this point to those who are just buying their butts off in hopes they can continue shooting for the foreseable future. Throw those who want cecession or are preppers, and you've got a lot of extra buying.
I am pretty certain there will be zero impact to reloading supplies if some sort of ban passes. They are going after assault weapons not supplies. People hear ban and just go crazy on everything even items not even listed in pending legislation.

Actually some bills being noodled around DO go after ammo. A "Violence Tax" on every bullet sold is being talked about. Limiting or eliminating purchases over the internet. Requiring a license/registration of all ammo purchases. No purchases of bulk ammo over 1,000 rounds... etc.

Given that to chum the waters of FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) why wouldn't you stock up on supplies? If not for the sake of getting it before taxes, limits and licensing....just to keep your shelves stocked at lower prices. For years I told every one of my shooting buddies to "Police and SAVE your brass." They all scoffed back " I don't reload like you do." So they just left it there. They are all telling me they should have listened. LOL. They would be able to sell that stuf for a decent buck right now!

Once I saw the crush for lowers, 80% lowers, uppers, parts and AMMO. I knew the reloading stuff was next....so I got to it before they did and stocked up. According to MidwayUSA, Brownells, Cabelas, Bass Pro, etc...they all expect brass in the stores between March 2nd and March 28th. They of course couldn't say how much it would cost. LOL.

Shoot straight....be sure of your backstop...and load safe!

We will be seeing the shortages here in Canada also. My gunsmith and another supplier told me to get what I can. They say that they expect to receive less than ten percent of what they ordered.
I picked up a 17 Hornet for plinking and had trouble finding ammo and such. Ordered dies, but don't expect to see them for a few months.
Four years ago the same thing happen. Shelfs were bare, prices went up. Some were posting photos of their hoardes of ammo, bragging about it. Making jokes. It was dumb. And it passed, this will as well.
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