Same here, saves on having to set up a spotting scope along with everything else.If conditions are good i go max power of the scope. If they're not so good in cases of mariage I settle in on 10-11x
What power or scope magnification should be used when sighting in at 100 or 200 yards?
If conditions are good i go max power of the scope. If they're not so good in cases of mariage I settle in on 10-11x
I sight in at the max mag possible given the conditions, I've run several 8-32 power scopes and I'm on 32 power even at 100yds.
Yep, same here. Usually I run round 16x to 18x power. My Vortex 6-24x50 scopes are calibrated to run at 18x from the factory. So, a lot of time I run a scope at what the calibrated setting is.