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What motivated me to form LongRangeHunting.com

Len Backus

May 2, 2001
In 1992 I bought some hunting land that included some marshy areas. After my first several years hunting this new land, I realized how often the biggest bucks were bedding way out in the marsh. I could see them from my 22 foot high archery stands set up on the edges of this marsh. By the time the rifle season rolled along each November I was always wishing I had the ability to shoot long.In the summer of 1997 I got serious with my factory Remington rifle chambered in 7mm Remington and by November I was ready.

After my successful hunt I needed a place to share my enthusiasm for my new passion. Do you remember "newsgroups"? Back then there was a newsgroup for just about any interest imagineable. I started participating in the "rec.hunting" newsgroup and after my hunt I posted the following story to share my joy.


Subject: Whitetail buck at 459 yards

Posted to the rec.hunting newsgroup on 12/2/97

My equipment includes a Tikka brand rifle in 7 mm Remington magnum with a Burris Signature model scope, 4 to 16 power variable. The rifle is fitted with an after-market Boss system made by Que Industries. The handloaded cartridge consists of the 120 grain Barnes "X" bullet at 3,500 feet per second. Sighted in at 300 yards for zero, the drop at 459 yards is about 12 inches from line of sight. I use a Bushnell Lytespeed lazer rangefinder --- the new 800 yard model. My bullet drops about one inch every 10 yards at this distance. To hunt responsibly at long range you must know the distance precisely.
I practice shooting out to 400 yards and 500 yards. My normal 3 shot groups at 100 yards measure just under one inch. My best-ever 400 yard group with this combo was 3 shots in 1.1 inches --- never came that close again, though. I watch the effects of wind and don't even bother shooting if there is much velocity at all. A ten-mph cross wind causes 10 inches of bullet drift at 400 yards.

This past Wednesday was 5 days into the Wisconsin gun season for Whitetails. Bucks, normally fairly nocturnal, are even more so after 5 days of loud shooting. I had seen this 10 point buck with its 18 inch inside spread congregating with a group of bachelor bucks in the hayfields in July and early August. I also saw him 5 or 6 times during the bow season. This two or three year old buck field-dressed at 175 pounds and represents the oldest, largest, most savvy prey that we usually are challenged by in my heavily hunted neighborhood.

My closest earlier hunting encounter with him was on my first evening out during the bow season. Forty-five minutes before closing time, a nice 13 1/2 inch yearling (which my son later shot thinking it was a 2 year old) led him out of the marsh to within 35 yards of my stand. With the yearling standing relaxed and broadside at a shootable distance, I waited for his older friend to move forward just 2 yards --- out from behind some brush. No luck that night and I never got that close again. He was very wary. I saw him several more times during the bow season and twice during the gun season.

This past Wednesday morning the wind was about 3 to 5 mph, quartering from about 2 o'clock. Visibility was good with clouds above. My treestand put me about 30 feet above ground and my stand's safety-rail/armrest gave me near-benchrest stability.

My stand is in a white pine tree where one side of the marsh meets a small woods. A few evenings earlier from this stand I had watched 2 small yearlings chasing a doe just 60 yards out from me. Now, while still dark out, I had been forced to cough once and worried about what that did to my chances for the morning. A few minutes later I had heard one deer crash into the woods, going away from me. In this stand I could expect a shot at a deer as close as 30 yards or as long away as ...

I used my Zeiss 10 x 56 Night-owl binoculars to glass the marsh even before there was good shooting light, hoping to see my pre-selected buck heading home to his bedroom just before dawn. Discovering where he was settling down would give me the patience to wait for him to stand up and expose himself in his "safe" bedding area sometime during the upcoming day. He wouldn't expect danger from 30 feet up and perhaps a quarter mile away.

Dawn came and I still had not seen him. The time was now about 6:50 am, 15 minutes after the start of legal shooting time. Then I glassed again in the area across the marsh where I'd seen him briefly Sunday, just before dark.

Now I saw a large deer chasing a smaller one. The smaller deer left my view. Upon further study, I could see that that the larger remaining deer was my quarry. A range of nearly 500 yards --- and in early morning light --- is a little tough for a first-time, accurate trophy analysis. But I was familiar with this deer and most of the other bucks in the area and was confident in my identification of it. So far, my hours spent in the field this year totaled nearly one hundred --- hunting deer during the bow and rifle seasons.

My Lytespeed rangefinder told me the distance was 459 yards. The buck was now relaxed and standing still as the crosshairs in my 16 power scope settled in just above his back. At the first shot he stood fairly still, moving his head around a little. A deer shot at this range does not always react with immediate flight like one shot at 50 or 100 yards.
I was fairly confident that I had hit him well. I thought I had actually heard the bullet impact but I am not sure it is possible at that distance. In the video (available in the Cabela's catalog) of my Alaskan moose hunt, shot earlier this fall, the sound of the bullet impact is readily heard, but that was at only 150 yards.

I fired again and after recovery from the recoil of my follow-up shot, my scope could not pick up the buck again in the tall grass. I then glassed the area with my binoculars for 15 minutes and mentally marked the site. Then I got down and took the 1/2 mile roundabout trail across the marsh, trying to relax and enjoy the morning as I walked.
Though confident, I knew I could also be wrong. Could have missed him. Could be the wrong deer. Could have just wounded him. I approached the site from uphill and upwind so he would run into the open marsh if he could run at all. But there he was--- not one step from where he had stood when I fired! Both had been killing shots.

This was a very satisfying conclusion to a wonderful hunting year! I share it with you fellow hunters for the purpose of hearing from other responsible long-range hunters who practice at long range and use the equipment and disciplined methods required for humanely taking game at long distances.

I am looking for a friendly, productive discussion from newsgroup members (or personal e-mail). So --- for you nay-sayers who probably haven't even noticed the degree of my preparation and care --- please hold your comments to yourself

I was blasted with criticism on the newsgroup and right then I vowed to find a place to share my passion. And that's why this site exists today!


[ 03-18-2004: Message edited by: Len Backus ]
Great story. Many of here can understand where you are coming from.

Unfortunately the world is full of people who are satisfied with their own mediocrity.
These are the naysayers who jump on the bandwagon to criticise others who have put in the time and effort to excell at their chosen endeavor.
It doesn't matter what sport or endeavor it is, these types of people are always present.
Thankfully there is always a segment of the population who are never content to be average and push the envelope to expand the possibilites of what can be done.

Without these people willing to put in the time and effort to excell and to push the boundaries there would be no progress!
Without them would still be riding horses and shooting bow and arrows.
Well done Len!
You've succeeded in creating a forum that I consider one of the most mature sites out there. The quality of conversation and the level-headedness of the members I consider a breath of fresh air compared to many of the other gun sites out there.

Jay Kyle
Great story and Deer.

Your story reminds me of a conversation I had last night.

A friend of mine is opening up his own business. He did his homework and I think he planned it out very well. Yesterday, a "friend of a friend" type says that he doen't think its a good idea.....he's is a bus driver! I'm not knocking bus drivers just saying that he has no knowledge of what it take to start or operate a business yet he doesn't think its a good idea!

People like to hold other to their standard of mediocracy. Whether its long range hunting or anything else. That is why I personally can't stand hunters who shoot irresponsibly it's fuel on their fire!

Thank you for this sight Len!
Nice Buck, Len. I bet that story had 'em all worked up!

The old man that lives up in the boonies where I hunt was always pretty tweaked when I'd shoot Moose around 350 yards behind his place. He'd shake his head and wouldn't say a whole lot, just repeated a story to me about this guy shooting one in the foot at near 700 yards and leaving it out there wounded. He said he had went out and spotted it near the same spot and finished it off (same distance away) holding the crosshairs on the '06 a couple inches over its back.

Over the years he's become a custom to my longer shots, just asks me how far now? Should have seen his eys when I go the one at 640.... with the 416wby.
Jeff Cooper once wrote " If you ever shoot game at a distance of over 200 yards you should sit down and write a two page letter explaning why."

I can only think of two words in response. Why not?

I'm glad to be a part of a web site that answers a more important question regarding 200+ yard shooting.


I never knew the story...

I always just thought that the grief over at HA drove you to do it as a refuge for those of us that don't mind "going long", and were tired of the berating that was doled out over there on any thread that mentioned a long shot.

It's good to hear the "rest of the story...".
Gary, number 12, where have you been?

HA was a stopover place where I tried to find a sanctuary. In fact, because of me they even started a long range hunting sub-forum. But...........you know what happened. That was the last straw just before this was started.

While I may not post much any more, be assured that I'm still here, lurking & reading...

Email on the way....
People who only shoot a couple of times a year,who don't reload who have never shot pass 100 yards. Just don't understand most of them well never take the time to or spend the money on learning how or buying the equipment to do so.
So when they start telling me how it can't be done I just smile.
i was fueling the fire today. shot long range for me the first time this year. we hunted the elusive 4 liter milk jugs. they didnt come any closer than 417 yrds so that were they meet their match. i went 5 for 5 with my little 223 shooting 50gr v-max.

im just starting out and have learned alot from this site. shooting steel and busting milk jugs is alot more fun than shooting paper at 100yrds.

the 4.5 inch groups at 417 were alot more rewarding than a .75 inch group at 100.

thanks for the site Mr. Backus
Len: I've been up to your place in WI, and was impressed with your shooting rig. If I remember correctly, you had a NightForce scope, but I don't remember the make and calibre of your rifle. I rembember your spotting scope was a Swarovski, but your laser rangefinder was out of StarWars. Tell us about your setup.

[ 03-22-2004: Message edited by: Bud Meadows ]
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