Weird Dreams Elk Hunting


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
I think most know altitude can increase the potential of dreams so I was talking to a hunting buddy that moved and this incident came up.

I thought I would share it cause it became the "main memory" of our drop camp hunt years ago.

We returned to camp first day at noon and found our wall tent ripped open in one wall. A bear decided to enter tent through wall even though we left main fly entrance open. Guess the bear did not like the thought of entering through the wide open entrance. Camp was bear proofed extremely well so nothing in tent and in fact the bear did not touch anything and appears just walked out. WTHELLO is that all about other than a bear being a bear.

So what? Happens all the time? But doesn't end there. That night, it became really windy you know, tent flapping all night. So we turn in and because bear visit, rifles next to cot to make us feel better.

About 2 in morning I am woken up with BLOOD CURLING SCREAM! I hear "THERE IS A BEAR LICKING MY FACE"! Now understand my buddy is on cot 5' away from me so to say this is a chest thumper is a understatement!

I am not sure what to do, grab rifle? Grab bear spray? Bail?

I carefully open eyes without any movement to insure no noise and HOLY COW! Nothing in tent! I yell at buddy and he bolts up into sitting position and I have light on him. His face was white with fear and took him second to gather up. He looked around and said "thank you for not shooting or spraying me"!

He had turned over and side wall of tent flapping was barely touching his face and he dreamt the feeling was a bear licking his face! OMG! Couldn't stop laughing and took some time to get back to sleep. With one eye open!😂
I had a somewhat similar experience about 15 yrs. ago. We were in the Thorofare and had a bear in camp making a ruckus about 3 a.m. Got up and the bear left. Went back to sleep and about 5:30 I start yelling at a bear I thought was huffing outside the tent again. Turns out I must have started snoring and woke myself up thinking it was the bear and yelled at it! Weird is right!

I have a similar story. A buddy and I were on Kodiak Island brown bear hunting. I'm a light sleeper, buddy isn't. Buddy also snores, usually loud. We also had foxes coming into camp a lot. They would walk within 5-6 feet of you. Spring hunt so they weren't in season. So I'm asleep, and I hear a snuffling noise and stuff moving right outside the tent. My 375H&H is in the vestibule right next to me. I'm reaching for the gun and trying to wake up my buddy at the same time. As he wakes up I realize the snuffling noise was him, but I still open up the tent with a light in one hand and the gun in the other. There's a beautiful fox standing about 8 feet away. Good for a laugh now, but really had the blood moving for a few minutes. Didn't sleep well the rest of that night! Bear on Kodiak get a bit large
Take Care
We were hunting NW Colorado this year and one of the guys brought his 9yr old son along. The boy started having a dream in the middle of the night and woke us up (not about bears; evidently it was about his older brothers!). I thought I had just nodded off again when the little guy "whispers" loudly, "Dad. Dad! The old guys are snoring! Loud!!" Next morning I asked him if he was dreaming about bears? He said, "Nope...couldn't sleep. I thought some of you might drown!"
Funny! I hunt and camp alone a lot, and there are typically cows all around, I also watch a lot of old school westerns and listen to Chris Ledoux. One night, no lie, I woke up in a panic, scrambled out of my bag and tent, I dreamt I was in the middle of a stampede. I could feel the ground shaking and the thundering noise they make when moving fast, of course it wasn't real but took some time for me to calm down. Yeah, I have lots of dreams when I'm out there alone, I feel like one of the native's, it's awesome
I have a friend that would have bad dreams. One time we were in his trailer, and late one night he punched out a window in the trailer. He said in his sleep take that. He lay back down and continue sleeping. I got up, and checked him out. I was afraid he may have cut his hand, or might be sleeping on some glass. Not the case. In the morning when he woke up. He was asking me how the window got broken. I have had a few other interesting night with him too. Dove hunting probable were the most interesting times with him. Dam we would get our heads smoking. The days of being younger. I would do it again too.
Back when I was in the National Guard we were doing a FTX out in the mountains. A buddy and I had our cots set up in our maintenance conex on the back of a duce and a half. There was only a small gap between the two cots. Our heads were on opposite ends and we were in the military style mummy bags that go clear up around your head. I was working in a mine at the time and I dreamed I had fallen down, and a haul truck was coming around the corner at full speed. It was about to run me over so I was trying to roll out of the way. I rolled so hard in my sleep that I cleared the gap between the two cots and landed on top of my buddy. I was kicking him in the face and he had his arms zipped in the mummy bag and couldn't do anything about it. This was in the mid 90's, I think he's mostly forgiven me now.
In Vietnam I sleep on top of an Armor Personal Carrier. (APC) for about 7 months. I learned to sleep very light. I would hear the mortars being fired at us. I would be down inside the APC and have the top deck lid closed before they hit. Never could remember to howler income. I always sleep fully cloths and boots on. Being I was with a Cav. unit, we generally had plenty of water. So we could get clean up in the evening or late afternoon. I remember one night at a fire support base, that some rockets came in. Just over my head. That night I didn't like where we were put the Medic Track. So I sleep on the ground. As the rockets came in, I for whatever reason got up and ran around to the other side of the Track. I still ponder why even now. I should have stayed on the ground where I was at, instead of exposing myself by standing up. Dumb, and Stupid too all the same time. That was generally how you got killed, or you were slow to react. One of my guys walked up on a machinegun position and turned sideways to run. He took 3 rounds in vandlear tied around his waist. (can't spell). Talk about being quick and thinking. As they would say "In A Heart Beat".
It was the last week of archery season. 2006 I think. Used to hunt out of a Subaru Legacy. Had a foam mattress in the back, was pretty comfortable.

The kids mother and I drove to the end of a road almost to the top of this mountain. Decided to hike to the top and loop back through a saddle early the next morning.

Next day I woke up and it was about half hour before daybreak, crawled out of the Subaru to relieve the bladder and I looked up and saw the biggest whitest wolf you can imagine.

I let out a squeal and jumped back in the car.
It frosted heavy that night. Enough to easily see a track, there were none. My wife teased me off and on for quite awhile.

That day, right at the top we bugled in a rag 5x5.
I have no idea what it all meant or if it was an image left over from dreaming. Don't remember having any dreams that night.