Tubbs lapping bullets?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2017
Has anyone used these? If so how was the results? Was it worth the time and money? Noticeable results, gains in accuracy or velocity?
Thank you Colby
Be careful. I had bad results. I really opened the groups on a 7mm I had. The instructions themselves warn that they can cause problems. (They state they have has several reports of it!) They suggest not using the first 2 course coated bullets sets, unless your rifle is experiencing an accuracy issue. If no accuracy issues, just use the last three finer sets.

I would use JB polishing compound. (link below). With it you can use a more moderate regiment to get to the results you want. With the Tubb's bullets, you can ruin a barrel in one afternoon.
Thank you. I will check into that JB polishing compound. I'd hate to do more harm than good.
I've used them. I made the mistake of shooting them through my barrel first instead of testing the accuracy of the rifle to see if it was even needed. However, I got a lemon of a rifle for other reasons so it didn't matter. Unless your gun is shooting 1.5" with the best ammo you can get, I wouldn't recommend them.
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