Some thoughts on spine shots or DRT

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Yes, if the cord is severed. But how often is the animal hit and the cord is damaged, not severed? And which specific vertebrae needs to be severed (not damaged) on a deer or elk to cause death?

But is it in the same place on an elk? I'm not arguing with you, I really don't know.
We've been discussing spine shots which by their very nature will sever the cord completely.

When the bullet strikes the vertebrake you not only have the damage from the bullet itself, the vertebrae turns into a small fragmentation bomb.

Rarely is a bullet going to be close enough to the spine to damage it but not sever it.
DRT is:
1) Highly unlikely and, as many posts have noted, more often a boogered shot.
2) A true DRT is a BONUS, not a goal, and is the result of either having the God-given ability to make a head shot, (the only certain DRT) or God's mercy on a poor shot, or a statistical aberration.
3) A marketing ploy. I'll leave it at that, I beat that horse enough.
With few (infinitesimal) exceptions, only a dipstick goes for spine shots.
Except for in all the cases cited just in this thread where animals have dropped at the shot, but then got back up.
In which cases the spine was missed.

Lots of animals go down hard from lots of diffeent shots due to shock only then to get up and walk or run off.

When you miss the results are predictable.
? It enters the pleural cavity following the same path as the carotid artery and jugular.

Great picture. The scar tissue from a broken left shoulder blade grabbed my phrenic nerve and paralized my left diaphagm.


Simply amazing! I have met a lot of people but I have only encountered one who knows everything about everything.

I have a call into my vet to discuss lung collapse.

Simply amazing! I have met a lot of people but I have only encountered one who knows everything about everything.

I have a call into my vet to discuss lung collapse.

Never claimeds to know everything about everything but shooting thousands of animals over a forty year period and 4 years of pre med/vet along with 13 years Qualified as a Special Forces Medic gave me a pretty good education and a whole lot of experience on this subject.
She is out of town today getting some further education. So I guess she does not know everything. Like some...

A google search shows quite a bit of deer guides who believe there is a "dead zone" in deer. One stated he believes it exists from cleaning hundreds of deer. I've made a couple of successful neck and spine shots. But I think I'll stick to double lung shots with the exception to a head shot for meat. I need to buy stock in Orville Redenbacker.
Unlike you I haven't spent my life wallowing in ignorance.
Maybe we can start another thread and you can explain again how heating brass up causes it to get harder. C'mon man!

I swore I would not pick on you anymore but sometimes you make it so hard not to. It must suck to be you, walking around being so superior to all the mental midgets. Nobody around that can carry on an interesting conversation with you. I'm guessing that is ok with you, just knowing that mankind would not be able to cope without your input. All hale the mighty wild rose.

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