range finders

Had the Newcon LRB 1500 SPD. Very unhappy. Now have the Swarovski Laser Guide and I am very happy. What the Swarovski gives is quality optics, ranging ability and excellent construction and design.
I have used the leica and I was very happy with it. O am now using the Swaro and today I got back to back readings on a tree line at 1990 yards and then 1991 yards. I was very impressed. I still don't like the reticle as much as I do the leica but reading nearly 2000yds is enough for me to forget about the reticle.


Have you tested the Leica 10x42 Geovid BRF Binocular Laser Rangefinder? They say it is good for 1300 yards. I am wondering if it has updated electronics over the Leica 1200?

I think we need to change the forum from long range hunting to extreme long range. Long range is out to 1200 yards or so - you guys are now crossing the threshold to no limits!
I'm not Lerch, but I can speak for him. No we have not tried the Geovids.

I told our Leica rep to bring his sample pair in if he ever got them. Regardless of how good the glass is or how nice it would be to have a range finder bino combo, 1300 yds just won't do it for us.

As soon as we get these AM tuned up, we're going to go for the 1500 yd pd and the Leica just won't cut it. We can range mounds all day long in any condition out to 1500-1700 yds w/the Swaro.

Thanks for the feedback. I thought maybe the Geovid might just be posting a conservative rating with their 1300 yard claim, and it would actually do 1500+ in a good situation? Only testing will actually tell. However, I would hate to spend $1600 on the Geovids and then they did not perform to 1300 yards.

In my case, it would be nice to have a rangefinder in the binoculars so I don't have to carry around two pieces of equipment. For any hunting I am doing 1300 yards is all I will need. I don't have the equipment to reach out an touch farther than that.
IF you are looking for coincidental rangefinders like the B&S, Wilde and others call this guy. He normally has all types and very good prices. He also has tripods, adapters to fit Wildes on the 1/4" tripods or the larger Bogens and big eyes.

I just bought a French copy of Wilde/B&S for $150. "Only dropped in the dirt once by retreating French!" He had one more French model. Works great.

Jerry Phillips
PO Box L632
Langhorne PA 1947

(215) 757-5037

Tac -- remember JUST the binocular without the RF ability would still be 1300$ so you are really only paying 300$ for the RF /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

and BTW...
"I think we need to change the forum from long range hunting to extreme long range. Long range is out to 1200 yards or so - you guys are now crossing the threshold to no limits!"

Better not go there...

Re: range finders GG, brian b??

<font color="purple"> </font> bite my lip and throw down the big coin for one like John Burns uses .

[/ QUOTE ]

JB needs the best toys (dozens of BDC for each condition) so he can just dial and shoot and bring in the adverts. GG probably needs a good unit too for the ranges he's shooting at, ditto for Kirby, Shawn and a few others - but do the rest of us really need that capability? I just bought a <font color="red"> Bushnell Elite 1500 Laser Rangefinder </font> from our own UT Don for about $350 - He tests each unit personally.
RF's are like computers, they get better and cheaper every half year. Buy spending the big coin, you're not making an investment, you're buying a short term toy.
I'm delighted with my unit. Being an applied mathematician I wont make accuracy claims until I get two GPS's and range my pal (that we can get simultaneous GPS readings so atmospheric error is consistent). So until someone does the same, I'm a bit skeptical of range values that don't have an error bound. Repeatibility is a good sign, but it may indicate you're repeating the same hill or other incorrect value.
Re: range finders GG, brian b??

The biggest problem I see with long range rangefinders is the aiming point and here's why:
The farther you shoot, the more of an angle the bullet is coming down on regardless of what super hot rod flame throwing cannon you have. So, the range must be known to the nearest yard and it becomes more critical the farther out you shoot. If the aiming point in the rangefinder is say as large as 15 feet at 1000 yards, then it CAN NOT possibly range something that fits inside that aiming point to the exact yard. It will be close, but if it varies 15 feet than it varies 5 yards. That is not too critical at that range but lets say you go out to 1500. Now the aimer covers about 22 feet give or take a few. Your long range bomber is now coming down on a much sharper angle and the range may now have as much as 14 yards of error. On most guns at that range, it could be as far off as several minutes of angle. Not a big deal for varmints, but for trying to make a one shot kill on big game it is not good odds.

WHen you go out to 2000, it just gets exponentially worse because every ten yards causes the bullet to need 1 more minute of elevation (on the MOAG). So you can see how critical all this can get. THat is why the WILD and the rangefinder John Burns uses have such an advantage. THey have VERY precise aiming points that allow you to range exactly what you want to by aiming the unit exactly at your target. It is really like shooting at a paint can at 1000 yards with buckhorn sites compared to aiming at the same can with a 25x riflescope. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: range finders GG, brian b??

B1g B0re:

Quote:...I wont make accuracy claims until I get two GPS's and range my pal (that we can get simultaneous GPS readings so atmospheric error is consistent).

Be cautious with the above process. Accuracy of GPS depends upon a lot of things besides the local ionsphere conditions. Post processing from a local "station" keeps things fairly 'less' expensive.

I work with those **** things every day. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif I have access to an RTK system which is about the only thing that I would trust for Looooonnnnggg range distance measurement.

Justa tho't.
BH, I called Jerry and he said the french he has left is a "little fuzzy", it needs to be cleaned. Since you looked through them both(I believe), was the other one still workable?
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