Peterson brass

No personal experience but I know a few guys from what there saying Peterson hands down.
Anyone know how much prep is needed with Peterson brass? How does it compare to Norma?

I recently bought some of the 6.5 creedmoor small primer brass and it's top notch and very consistent... It's as good or better than lapua or Norma. Lower price and ammo boxes.
I just received 100 pcs of Peterson 308 Win, lrp brass. Comparing it to new Lapua, they look nearly identical. I'm guessing minimal prep would be needed before loading. I did weigh a few pieces, & found it weighs a bit more than the Lapua. I'll start loading these for my Remmy 5R soon. Hoping it works as well as the Lapua has done in the past!!!! I agree with Farmerboy78, consistent, quality, price, & ammo boxes! Seems like good stuff! Idaho-5R
Probably a good chance ADG will make 6.5 saum since they are going make brass for Rich's SS cases and the other saum cases sometime this year.
I’d say it’s better than Norma and probably pretty close to Lapua (but I’ve never tried Lapua.) No prep work required.
Probably a good chance ADG will make 6.5 saum since they are going make brass for Rich's SS cases and the other saum cases sometime this year.
ADG told me this when I asked last month...
“Thanks for your interest in our brass. We are currently in development on 7 SAUM. We expect to launch it later this year or early next year. We have had many request quest for 6.5 SAUM so we are considering adding it after we launch 7 SAUM.
Peterson said they were considering it, but it would be 18-24 months
No idea

My experience with Norma brass in 270win was that I needed 0 prep work and didn't even size my cases before loading, ended up with a load that resulted in ES:7 SD 3.2 And shot half moa all day. The norma brass I bought came in the box though so no dings, everything looked chamfered/deburred and the flash holes looked drilled and not punched. Sitting at 5 reloads, but have since moved on to loading and shooting other things so case life is still a mystery.
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