I am falling apart ...

Prayers for a favorable outcome and speedy recovery. I haven't needed any surgery but the aches and pains from wrestling and the Army have caught up. I think we're in the same age group Ed so I'll tell ya, grow old ain't for babies ;)
Getting old is not for the weak....I have knee surgery next Monday. Torn meniscus and damaged ACL from doing squats with weight. I am 54 but still run, lift and enjoy a cage fight once in a while but I just can't move like I use to. My knee now locks up if I stand wrong but I have to stay in shape and I am in hopes the recovery will be quick. I don't like medication and I assume a couple beers will get me through the pain at night??lol
Hang Tough Ed, I won't go into some of the stuff I've hit lately but remember GOD is still on the throne. You will come thru and continue to hunt and shoot...............well as long as we can roll ammo and find primers and powder :)
Prayers for a favorable outcome and speedy recovery. I haven't needed any surgery but the aches and pains from wrestling and the Army have caught up. I think we're in the same age group Ed so I'll tell ya, grow old ain't for babies ;)
Thanks, Brothers! Pain management/recovery is going well. The itch is bothering me more than anything. I am not supposed to lift anything heavier than my cellphone or any load but have been doing the post-surgery recommended exercise without issues. My initial consult with a neuro-surgeon for the pinched nerve on my neck is this AM. Hopefully, it does not require any surgery. Cheers!

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Getting old is not for the weak....I have knee surgery next Monday. Torn meniscus and damaged ACL from doing squats with weight. I am 54 but still run, lift and enjoy a cage fight once in a while but I just can't move like I use to. My knee now locks up if I stand wrong but I have to stay in shape and I am in hopes the recovery will be quick. I don't like medication and I assume a couple beers will get me through the pain at night??lol
My knee did that too so I had them put a new one in
I have a ninety year old friend who looks and acts like he is 65. I ask him what the secret was to living to be 90. He said, " have something everyday to live for." He said he has something everyday he has to do and that motivates him, pretty good advice.

I went on to ask him how it felt to be 90. He responded, "It hurts and what don't hurt don't work!"😂

I hope I am in half the shape he is by the time I make 90, but it is not looking to good, over half way there and I too am falling apart. 🤨 Broke my back in 06', blow L4 and L5, fractured the vertebrae between them and severed the nerve, took two years to recover. In the mean time I developed fluid around my heart and discovered it was slightly enlarged with an aortic arrhythmia. Gave up hunting and competitive sports for about 6 years and put on about 100 pounds, lost it all and got back in shape, only to blow a tendon in my hand and separate a shoulder for the second time, had surgery on my hand and thanks to the pandemic put back on about 60 pounds.

My heart doctor tells me I need to loss weight. My orthopedic doctor and my neurologist tell me I am getting to old to train the way I do in the gym and my urologist just wants me to pee in a cup every six month!😂

If I had all the money I am spending on doctors that trip to Alaska for browns would have already happened! If my hip will stop hurting, my knee wouldn't keep giving out, my shoulder would heal and these herniated disc in my neck would go away.😁

Better yet, It would all be okay if my wife wasn't so compassionate to remind me it was all self inflicted!😂 Hey ya'll watch this!😂

Getting old sucks and if I had known 25 or 30 years ago what I know now I would have probably lived a little different, but it wouldn't have been near as much fun!🤣
Ed, all I can say is the LRH 🙏 does help! I believe LRH prayers and all the kind thoughts from so many people will help you through whatever the "swamp" you will cross. I feel like the "force" will be with you!

Aye Sir! The collective thoughts and prayers from the LRH community are simply amazing. Thanks!

Ed, glad to hear you don't require neck surgery. Those Halo braces are a nightmare, and the drain tube and catcher get caught up in it.
Good news is always a welcome relief.

Get better soon Ed.

Do they still do that? I usually see cervical disc replacements shortly after surgery and the recovery time is way shorter than it used to be.

Feenix, sounds like they did a biceps tenodesis. Stop lifting your phone for a while. Let it heal. Keep that shoulder moving though or it'll try to freeze. And get to therapy as soon as you can. The longer you wait, the longer the recovery.
Do they still do that? I usually see cervical disc replacements shortly after surgery and the recovery time is way shorter than it used to be.

Feenix, sounds like they did a biceps tenodesis. Stop lifting your phone for a while. Let it heal. Keep that shoulder moving though or it'll try to freeze. And get to therapy as soon as you can. The longer you wait, the longer the recovery.
I had more than disc damage, actually cracked/compressed my cervical spine from a tree branch about 250kg/500lbs falling on me while mowing on a ride-on for work. Didn't know I had broken my neck, just had a headache and sore neck/back.
Had to drive out from under the branch, couldn't budge it myself, was pinned in place with my face smooshed into the steering wheel. Lol.
Spent 6 weeks in a halo frame. Drain tube was in for a week.
