Hunting Bullet Selection


Active Member
Apr 24, 2011
Texas City, TX
I am interested in the 6.5x47 Lapua as a long range hunting cartridge. Is it a feasible choice for deer? elk? What is the largest game this cartridge is capable of bringing down?

What weight bullet would be ideal?

I am interested in the 6.5x47 Lapua as a long range hunting cartridge. Is it a feasible choice for deer? elk? What is the largest game this cartridge is capable of bringing down?

What weight bullet would be ideal?


Well "if" I was going to shoot an Elk with a 6.5x47 Lapua; I think I'd use Barnes...
6.5MM .264" 130 GR TSX FB

You should be fine with the 6.5x47L on elk size critters out to about 800 yards. I shoot 130 JLK's in mine and just killed a nice black bear with it at about 60 yards. Bullet performance was perfect. My 47L shoots 3011 with a 27.75" tube and that translates to about 1200 ft lbs of energy at 800 yards. Remember shot placement is far more important that bullet energy and most 6.5x47's that I have been around shoot .5 moa on a bad day!!
i have seen antelope and mule deer shot out to 800 yards very successfully with 130 and 140 bergers. This will be the first season mine sees and i dont think id shoot elk much past 500 yards, not because the guns not capable but because i have better guns for the job.
I will have to put my vote with the Barnes as well, though it won't have near the BC of the Bergers or JLK's. Here is my thought for the 47L, I would mostly likely start with Barnes 120grn TTSX cat. #26430 load to the highest safe velocity, which should be north of 3K. Within 500yds this should be pretty much ideal, the vaunted Barnes weight retention for the close distances & the polymer tip for expansion initiation out there where the velocity starts to drop.
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I'll add my .02 for the 130g Scirrocco. Very good bc and exceptional on game performance. I have seen it take out both shoulders on a big cow elk at 375 yrds. Recovered the bullet in the meat on the far shoulder with 82% weight retention. This was after breaking both shoulder bones.

All in all my son has harvested 3 elk with his 6.5-06 between 300 and 400 yards all with exceptional results. In my opinion it hits like lightning.

CPGfan, you said I should be fine with the 6.5 x 47L on elk out to 800 yds. Is that from personal experience cause if it is, than I'm definitely going with it.
Thanks for your input.
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