Hammer vs cutting edge monolithics


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2015
Western CO
Any and all thoughts omen these two. Accuracy, terminal performance, pics, jump they like, etc

Most of all I am curious if one is preferred

I have shot the CE 155 and the Hammer 143 in the same 280AI & 28 Nos. and the Hammer shoot tighter with very little load development.
I used the CE 400 in my 416 Rigby and they shoot 1 ragged hole
I have shot cutting edge out of my blk, .458 socom, and out of my .375 AM. Since load work Is done on those I will not be switching anytime soon as they work great on getting game to the ground. That being said all my current and future stuff will be hammer. Several will get new load work done as I shoot those more often than the ones stated above.
I am just finishing my 6.5 creed with the hammers and they are by far the easiest to load for bar none. Doesn’t seem to matter at all on seating depth. Also every load charge from min to max was under .5” @100. Just load for desired speed or till pressure is found and your done. Have yet to try them on game but reports are great from people I trust on this forum and others.
As soon as my 6.5 is done I’m doing 6.5 grendel, .338 lapua improved, and redoing my .300 win mag all with hammers.
Also you can not get any better customer service than from steve at hammer. He has spent many hours on the phone helping me decide on which bullet to use and why. Been very helpful with load work also.
This is the exact reason we will be loading these up for our rifles this spring. I talked with him on the phone and he answered all the tough questions without beating around the bush.
I think the biggest difference besides being able to talk with Steve directly is BC...the Hammers shoot great but the BC doesn't compare to the CE's from what I've seen.

But, for a hunting rig under 1,000 yards I'd go with the Hammer all day every day...what's a couple more clicks on the ol scope?
Even past 1000 depending on caliber. A 338 300gr or a .375 won’t matter much. Plus you always seem to be able to pull more fps out of the hammers than CE so that helps offset some of the bc diffrence.
I think the biggest difference besides being able to talk with Steve directly is BC...the Hammers shoot great but the BC doesn't compare to the CE's from what I've seen.

But, for a hunting rig under 1,000 yards I'd go with the Hammer all day every day...what's a couple more clicks on the ol scope?

Hmm I thought the hammers might edge out the CE. What CE bullet you referring to vs what hammer. Thanks
I tried the CE bullets a while ago but couldn't get them to shoot up to my expectations, especially considering the cost of them.
It was some time before I decided to give the Hammers a try. I originally bought the 143HH bullets for a custom 7WSM and they shot well beyond my expectation. Took the plunge and ordered a few boxes of 181 HH bullets for my 30 Nosler and achieved accuracy results similar to the 143s.
I used the 181s to take an Idaho bull elk at 340 yds and the rapid demise of the elk was impressive. Its viewable on this site.
I just receive some 124 HH bullets for the 6.5 Creed. The Creed doesn't need mono bullets but I have been so impressed with the accuracy and terminal performance of the Hammer bullets that I couldn't resist the temptation to try them.
And no - I have no connections to Hammer bullets, Steve or anyone else in the shooting industry.
Waiting for steve to chime in. He is as honest as it comes when you ask those questions. That’s the only reason I’ve got cutting edge in my .375Am is because steve said at one point they had stability issues with the big .375’s and was changing some things. I bought it turn key with everything done so I couldn’t hold Kirby up any more. He could have lied to me and sold 200 bullets at that time but because he’s so honest I’ve felt really good about asking him anything and he’s now got several more orders from me because of it.
No bs bc’s or anything from those guys.
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