gun cleaning

deaner 20

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
harrisonburg va
wanting to give all my guns a good good cleaning after the season .what are some thought on barrel cleaners mainly have used hoppies but are there some out there that will get ALL copper and stuff out that maybe you have found that works the best .thanks for any thought
The stuff in the photo. Use a rodguide and run a loose patch of accelerator followed by a loose patch of wipeout. Let set a few minutes and run a tight patch with some charcoal started or 90% rubbing alcohol on it. Run a second tight patch then repeat with the accel/wipeout until the black is gone. Use a dry tight patch at the end followed by a loose patch with oil if you use oil. I use oil only for chrome moly barrels. You can drive yourself batsass nuts trying to get all of the copper out. If there's a lot of it, it's likely going to be right back in there after the first shot or 2.

I use a 50/50 mix of Butches Bore Shine and Montana Extreme to get the copper out followed by Ballistol Oil for a finish.
I use several different bore solvents depending on the amount of clean and the time i have to do it.

On realy fouled barrels I use Sweets 762 and don't leave it in more than 30 minutes.

For normal cleaning and break in I like Butch's bore shine because it is not as harsh as the Sweets and does a good job in a reasonable time. I still don't leave it in the bore for over 2 to 4 hours.

For long term or over night (When I can leave it over night) I like the Bore Tech Eliminator for that reason without hurting the bore.

After any cleaning, I like to swab the bore with Hoppies #9 to remove any of the stronger solvents followed up buy a light oil for storage.

What ever you use, follow the instructions to the letter.

x2 on the foaming wipe out...easy and will not harm barrel steel. I have left it in terrible copper fouled barrels overnight and in the morning the amount of copper that pushes out on the patch is amazing. I got tired of patching and brushing with other cleaners.
My current process is a couple of patches with KG1 to remove the carbon then onto KG12 to remove the copper. Once it is cleaned and patched out with dry patches I put a patch through that has a small amount of Eezox on it for storage.
Place one drop of KG12 on a tarnished 1 cent piece and see how quickly it eats into it. It will take less time than it took to read my post.
How many here clean at the range?

Also how often do you clean? After every shooting session? Every so many rounds? Other?
Depends on the rifle. My 280ai shoots better a bit dirty. It seems to tighten up for 20 rounds and shoots great to about 70 rounds.
My 7x300 shoots better from 5-25 rounds.
I'm not a clean freak, I never remove ALL of the copper.
I worry more about a carbon ring than I do copper but I'm not looking for 1/4" groups. I'm happy with 1/2moa but prefer to shoot in the 3's
I've been using a completely different procedure for the last couple years. I put whatever cleaner I'm using in spray bottle and use a length of tubing with a small funnel to direct the cleaner into the chamber. I do this with the muzzle pointed down on a rag. Basically I drown the the barrel with the cleaner (3-4 sprays). Then let it sit for 10 minutes or so. This has really cut down on the number of patches and effort. My bore scope has been telling me that I'm actually doing a better job. You really notice the difference at the muzzle which usually gets short changed when using patches only as by then most of the solvent has been wiped off.
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