Dumbest things you have heard #2

I heard a friend say he prefers 50g bullets over 55g bullets because (they just kill em deader)
My turn! The two dumbest things I have heard:

1.) At one of the Buck expos here in town we had a booth for the RMEF and I had a gentleman stop and tell me how he can easily kill deer with head shots from 100yds and do it with his 9mm Sig.

2.) A fella behind the counter at a local firearms store went on to tell me that when you reload, a heavier bullet requires more powder(of the same kind) than a lighter bullet, because you need more powder to make the heavier bullet go! That one just plain scared me!

Its easy to tell when alot of these people are lying though... their lips are moving.
I was told by a "prairie dog killing expert" at a hotel in Big Timber, MT that its better to use a black powder rifle because the p-dogs think it is thunder and don't go down thier holes when you shoot.....
Years ago when I was still in western Nebraska, enjoying the luxury of a prairie dog town on three sides of the house I was renting (sure didn't rent it for any of its other qualities!), I stopped in at the local gun/pawn shop :rolleyes: to pick up a couple boxes of .223 ammo (didn't reload yet then). The owner asked me what I was shooting it in, and what I was shooting at. I explained I was using it on prairie dogs out of a scoped bolt gun out to about 300-350 yds. 'Okay' he said, because he'd had to instruct his store 'help' (wife and daughter) to explain to shooters that they couldn't expect to use .223 ammo at longer ranges (like 400yds) because the bullet just went so fast that it had melted by the time it got out that far, and was no good. Seems he had a lot of customers come in complaining that they were missing Brer Coyote with their Mini 14s at 400-500yds, and just didn't understand about how the air friction heated the bullet so that the lead core melted by the time it got that far out from the gun...

Asked him "Doesn't a .22-250 or .220 Swift shoot the bullet faster than a .223?" "Well, yes, of course." "Can't you shoot further with a .220 than a .223?" "Well, yes, of course." "But if the bullet goes faster, shouldn't it melt sooner and have *less* range?" "...umm, well they must load them hi-speed cartridges with special bullets..." "You mean like tungsten or titanium?" "YES! Exactly!"

The next two times I went in there (forgive me, he was a twit but he had good prices) he apparently forgot the previous times, and started in on me all over again. The third time I was a bit less polite...
Yep, I know exactly them type of fellows and we got our share down under too.
The old line still holds true for these folk "the older I get the better I get at it".
A legend every one, in his own lunchbox
" i hang silver dollars with fishing string. they spin in the wind so all you can see is a flash every once in a while and i can hit'em everytime at 1000 yards with my sks! when i get board i shoot the strings and move on":rolleyes:
We where at a sports store in Awahu, guy was looking at a bow, and sales man said" here are the bullets that go with it" My son got a kick out of that at 16, also the guy couldnt pull a 60 lb bow and he wasnt small
Last week my 22 yr old son (who is an avid atv and snowmobile rider) stopped at a second hand place that had a few 4 wheelers in front. They were all 2 wheel drive. We are looking for a 4x4 for plowing snow in the drive and getting through some pretty rough trails. The sales guy told my son, and remember we live in Montana, and I quote.

" Nobody wants a 4x4, the 2 wheel drives will go places a 4x4 won't with ease and they also will push more snow too". " I sell 50 to 60 used 2 wheel drive 4 wheelers a month and I won't even take a 4x4 on trade"

My son thanked him for his time and left while vowing to never return.

:D :rolleyes::rolleyes:

That reminds me of one that I heard kind of second hand...

Back in the day when 3-wheelers were still available new from the dealer, my brother had purchased a Kawasaki Duckster - inflatable tires, could quasi-float across the (slow) river on the edge of our ranch, etc. Kind of a tempermental ***, though. One (of several) time when picking it up from the dealer after service/repair, with my dad along for the ride and my brother browsing the new models... the salesman started spouting off about how these were the greatest off-road transportation ever and 'could go places no horse could ever go'.

Being as my father was an old ranch hand, and we currently lived on a ~4600 acre 'family' ranch in western Nebraska... Dad started to work him around to taking a bet on that statement. As the story went, the terms of the bet were something along the lines of if the salesman won, we'd buy a new 3-wheeler. If Dad won, they'd give us a new 3-wheeler :rolleyes:

My brother had to ruin the fun by explaining to the guy that he *really* didn't want to make that bet, especially given that he had agreed to let Dad choose the terrain :D
This is all great stuff. If you ever want to be entertained, go hang out at a walmart gun counter when there are at least three people standing there. stay back a bit so it isn't so noticeable when you start laughing. One guy in Searcy AR owns a "Special Run sniper rifle that came into the gun store by accident" He shoots 1/2 inch groups at 1000 yards + regularly with Remington core lokt .308s because the military specially designed it around this round for its long range capability. It was all I could do to ask where I could go and see his trophies, there must be a lot of them!! I later asked the clerk how he deals with these people, his response "Dude, he is buying stuff, and a lot of it, I don't care if he's stupid"
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