Cost of Landowner Tag, Idaho Elk Hunt, 10/1/19 to 10/5/19


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
Conroe, TX, US

I won an Elk hunt for this fall in Idaho. The hunt will take place just south of Salmon, ID . The hunt dates are 10/1 to 10/5.

The contest I won does not cover the cost of license or tags only cost of guide and lodging. I am supposed to enter the draw, and if not successful in drawing tag, the outfitter has landowner tag available for purchase.

Any ideas what I should expect for cost of the landowner tag? I plan on asking the outfitter this question, but wanted to get your feedback to see if the price is reasonable or overpriced.

Thanks for your help. I have zero experience dealing with landowner tags.
If it's a contest, I wouldn't want to pay them any more than I would Idaho. What are the odds of drawing a tag in the area of the hunt?

I've seen landowner tags from $500 to $5000 on a routine basis, but your free hunt would quickly be not very free.
First, I'd be checking with ID officials to see if this outfitter is on the up and up, as well as to do some checking to see that the contest was legit. I would also ask for written paperwork from them BEFORE trying to draw the tag saying exactly what you're getting for free for winning the contest IF you draw the tag. Unfortunately, there are shysters out there just like everywhere else and this could be one of those situations that even if it's on the up and up there could be a number of added costs to the hunt if it even transpires. A good example is an outfit in south Texas that runs a monthly contest for a "free" hog hunt if your email entry is selected. The scam was/is that essentially everyone that enters is sent an email back saying they're the winner and will need to pay a number of fees like cleaning, mandatory tips to the staff, etc. The Texas AG shut the operation down due to complaints, but before long different family took over and immediately followed the same type of scam and I believe the state is still working on getting it closed down again as the complaints have started piling up again.

I won an Elk hunt for this fall in Idaho. The hunt will take place just south of Salmon, ID . The hunt dates are 10/1 to 10/5.

The contest I won does not cover the cost of license or tags only cost of guide and lodging. I am supposed to enter the draw, and if not successful in drawing tag, the outfitter has landowner tag available for purchase.

Any ideas what I should expect for cost of the landowner tag? I plan on asking the outfitter this question, but wanted to get your feedback to see if the price is reasonable or overpriced.

Thanks for your help. I have zero experience dealing with landowner tags.

I have hunted that area as a resident...i am guessing, but I bet the draw odds are pretty low for a non-resident. If you have the hunt number we can look up the drawing odds from last year. The cost of landowner tags seem to depend on the landowner. I would definitely get that ironed out up front before you put in for the draw.
I thought Idaho didn't have land owner tags that could be sold. Maybe pay for some hay and they will let you hunt.;)
Idaho still has a lot of units that are draw only. Several in the Salmon area are pretty hard to draw for a non-resident.
I thought Idaho was a over the counter state ?

ID doesn't have a points system, but many units are a random draw only with low odds for a NR in some like our other member stated. I know there are a number of OTC units wit a first come first serve basis for the number of tags available. I wasn't aware of transferable landowner tags in ID.
I think I read somewhere that they allot 5-10% of the controlled hunt tags for a hunt unit to non-resident hunters. So if there are 100 tags available for that unit, non-residents are all competing for the 5-10 that is available to them.
It is up to 10% of tags go to non-residents. That doesn't mean it will always be as high as 10% (it's generally slightly under) but it won't ever be over 10%.
You can transfer land owner tags but I am pretty sure you can not sell them to someone. Big money is trying to get that changed but for now they are not suppose to be sold
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