broadhead reviews


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2010
looking for advice on broadheads and whether it is better to use fixed or mechanical.Is it true that if you shoot a fast bow it is better to use fixed vs mechanical since the mechanical may not work?

G5 montecs is what i have right now.
I myself will only use a mechanical on deer or antelope. On something big like an elk, I only use standard slick tricks or slick strick magnums fixed Broadheads. I just believe that too much can go wrong with a mechanical on a big bodied and big boned animal like an elk.
I don't have an opinion on mechanicals. They are illegal to use for hunting in Oregon, so I've never tried em.

I personally use, & LOVE the Shuttle T's. They fly true, & are incredibly tough !
I've also heard great things about the Slick Tricks.
Like Winmag stated here in Oregon cant use mechanical. I have always used Slik Tricks, but have just switched to Montec G5. I have noticed two things, The Montecs are harder hitting and appear to be tougher so far. They have a solid shaft design. I don't know if I will stay with them, but once I stick an elk this weekend I'll let you know how much I'm convinced.
was surfing through cabelas fixed broadheads and saw great reviews on the Muzzy 4-Blade Broadheads, NAP Thunderhead Broadhead, Muzzy Trocar 100-Grain 3-Blade Broadhead, Magnus Stinger, G5 Striker Magnum, Slick Trick Viper, X-Change Thumper Broadheads, Wasp Hi-Tech SST Hammer , NAP Deep Six Thunderhead Razor , NAP Deep Six Big Nasty Broadheads.
Any bow can shoot any broadhead so long as its tuned properly with the correct spined arrows. Mechanicals are not an excuse to not tune your bow.

That said, if your looking at mechanicals try out the Grim Reapers. They shoot great and do a heck of a job!
I've always used Muzzy MX-3 blades and had good success with them. This year I wanna try something different and use the Slick Trick GrizzTrick 2's. Kinda scared to try a mechanical blade as I've seen they don't always open sometimes..
Mechs are illegal in Idaho too but I am not sure I would use them anyway. With the quality fixed heads now available I just don't see the need.

I have shot almost every fixed head of any quality and IMO the Slick Tricks and the Innerlocs are at the top of the heap.

I have used the standard 100 grain for the last 5+ years and have been extremely happy. The 4 blade hole is just flat out deadly. I still have two of the original heads that I bought on my arrows this fall. The third one still flies well but its tip is flattened a bit because I blew through an elk last year and the head hit a rock on the other side!

For a 3 blade the innerloc stainless steel extreme or their new bat series is very durable and flies well. My hunting partner has been shooting them for 5+ years as well.

Scot E.
There are some decent mechanical heads out there. I shot Grim reapers for years, shooting the biggest animals in north america with no problems. I've shot moose, elk and buffalo. I've had a few pass throughs and every time the blades opened and broadhead performed flawlessly. The past few years i have started shooting a slower bow and have went back to fixed blade heads. I have had great luck with 100 gr Ram Cats. Had a pass through last year on a moose at long distance. This year i thought i would give the Muzzy 100 gr trocar a go. similar shape and style as the ram cat. I shot an elk at 30 yards last week and the arrow continued to sail into the canola crop. Broad head was perfect. They fly awesome and were super sharp.

I have been shooting slick tricks recently. They do fly good but took a little tweaking.


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Me and a few friends are shooting G5's now. The last 5 bulls I shot have been with the G5. The bull I shot last week was with a G5 and it looks like it just came out of the package. Razor sharp, perfect condition. Granted it only took out 1 rib and went between the others on the exit, so I expected it to be in good shape. My bow is throwing at 460 grain arrow at 270 pfs.

Previously I have used replacement blade systems, fixed 2 blades, etc. All have been deadly but the replacement systems have come apart on a couple elk and that bugs me. Worst blade I have ever used was the Iron Head. Horrible!
Slick tricks all the way. One of the few heads out there that have the accuracy they claim. Mine shoot great out to 120 yards. ( sight won't lower any more). They are really sharp and steel used on the blades is really strong. Great kills on deer, pigs, and African game including lion and eland. I've used others but to me it's a KISS ( keep it simple stupid) thing. Why even worry about a mechanical blade failing or getting hung on anything while stalking. I used to use monotecs but had 2 of them break on boar hogs. Broke right at the shaft, not easy to unscrew from the arrow. However the strikers worked great.
I've had very good luck with the G5 Montec. They blow through deer and I have yet to have one not do its job.

Im actually the only person I know to have any problem with them. They always worked great before, and thousands of people use them with success. I may of gotten the one in a million bad batch. Thank god my mishap happened on an old smelly boar hog and not on a Booner deer.
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