First thing is I would never do it from a liability standpoint unless I lived in a cardboard box on the roadside because you'll loose everything the first time
a round injures a person ot a gun gets damaged.
One reason the price of ammo is so high is the liability insurance premiums manufacturers pay. You can't afford it.
Now on to the press thing. Despite all the recommendations of all the good prsses out there (all good BTW), only the Dillon will churn out a couple hundred finished rounds per hour, only the Dillon, none of the others even if set up as progressives becaus Dillon is a close to an automated reloading press as you can buy without buying a commercial reloading line that you can't afford in the first place.
Actually, the best thing is to forget about it and buy commercial ammo or load for yourself.
You are about to get in over your head and possibly loose evrything y ou own and then some.
Having said all that, I reload for my attorney. I figure it's a safe bet bcause he won't sue me.