I am new to hunting, in fact this year will be my first year. (I'm 55)
Anyways, after reading this entire thread, I see NO mention regarding: "Antler growth depends on food sources".
Everyone knows Deer must eat and, they will take advantage of what is available yet, I haven't read anywhere if there are particular food sources which are better for Antler growth.
I have read that Bucks need a steady diet of protein and phosphorus during antler growth. In Montana, Wheat is the state's leading crop. Barley and hay are important crops as are beans, potatoes and sugar beets.
While the beans & sugar beets might provide a good crop source, one would need to either own the private land, get permission to hunt or for most of us, go hunting in the more wild areas of the State & National Forests.
Would it be easier to supply Mineral Blocks near water sources which would provide an increased level of phosphorus in the areas where you will be hunting?
Start setting them out in June through August ?
Would a product such as:
Pro-Phos 12 Block @
Bartlett Coop be a better solution, given that one can not plant food plots on Federal lands?
A 40/lbs per unit costs $12.60 up to $630/ton.
What do you think?
Could this help improve chances of Bucks growing larger antlers?