7mm rem mag out of a 22" barrel


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2009
i have a rem 700 with a factory contour 24" barrel that someone buggered up the front sight holes on the barrel. i want to cut off that 2" to make a 22" barrel in a 7mm rem mag . anybody shooting a short barrel 7mm wm??? thoughts please
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Re: 7mm win mag out of a 22" barrel

i have a rem 700 with a factory contour 24" barrel that someone buggered up the front sight holes on the barrel. i want to cut off that 2" to make a 22" barrel in a 7mm wm. anybody shooting a short barrel 7mm wm??? thoughts please

Unfortunately the velocity will suffer with the short barrel .But it may not hurt depending on
what you use it for.

The other thing you can do if you just can't stand the looks after you cut it off try a faster
burning powder after shooting your loads in it to see if you can minimize the loss.

Most of the magnums need at least 24 to 26" barrels.

One other option is to have a smith use a safari type site and cover up the holes.(This type
of site has a sleeve that solders over the barrel). You may also look at installing a break
by threading just enough of the barrel to cover up the damage.

Just some thoughts.

If you cut the barrel down, you will loose the "mag" in your 7mm (velocity) and could be closer to 7mm-08 ballistics. Under 300 yards I don't think it will hurt much, but if you shoot out farther with it or are shooting larger game, it may make a bit of difference. I would not cut it down do to a cosmetic blem in the front sight. Like said before, get it to a gun smith and see about a brake or a fix to the sight.
If you cut the barrel down, you will loose the "mag" in your 7mm (velocity) and could be closer to 7mm-08 ballistics. Under 300 yards I don't think it will hurt much, but if you shoot out farther with it or are shooting larger game, it may make a bit of difference. I would not cut it down do to a cosmetic blem in the front sight. Like said before, get it to a gun smith and see about a brake or a fix to the sight.

Lets put some numbers on this question.
A Quuickload simulation shows H4350 powder in the 7mm08, IMR 7828 in the
7mm Rem Mag. (I use IMR7828 in my 26" 7mm RM Laredo with excellent results.

shooting 168 Grain Berger VLDS with SAAMI OAL and about 85% max loads:
barrel ---------22"---------26"
Those are ft/sec muzzle velocity. You can get higher velocities with other powders or hotter loads, but these are reasonable.

4" of barrel makes 90 fps difference for the 7mm08, and 155 fps difference for the 7mm Rem Mag, but the 7mm Rem Mag still has 186 fps higher velocity with a 22" barrel than a 7mm08 has iwth a 26" barrel.

The Rem Mag has more muzzle blast, and more recoil. With it's high muzzle pressure brake and large powder charge a short bareel with a muzzle brake on a 7mm RM will take away a lot of recoil though at the expense a lot of muzzle blast. A very lightweight 7mm Rem Mag is practical but hearing protection is a must.

One additional advantage, at least in a Rem 700, is that the 7mm Rem Mag giives more magaziine room (3.6") than the 7mm08 (2.8").

For what it's worth the 7mmRemMag gives 2549 fps with a 16" barrel and the same load as above., a bit more than the 7mm08 with a 22" barrel.
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Lets put some numbers on this question.
A Quuickload simulation shows H4350 powder in the 7mm08, IMR 7828 in the
7mm Rem Mag. (I use IMR7828 in my 26" 7mm RM Laredo with excellent results.

shooting 168 Grain Berger VLDS with SAAMI OAL and about 85% max loads:
barrel ---------22"---------26"
Those are ft/sec muzzle velocity. You can get higher velocities with other powders or hotter loads, but these are reasonable.

4" of barrel makes 90 fps difference for the 7mm08, and 155 fps difference for the 7mm Rem Mag, but the 7mm Rem Mag still has 186 fps higher velocity with a 22" barrel than a 7mm08 has iwth a 26" barrel.

The Rem Mag has more muzzle blast, and more recoil. With it's high muzzle pressure brake and large powder charge a short bareel with a muzzle brake on a 7mm RM will take away a lot of recoil though at the expense a lot of muzzle blast. A very lightweight 7mm Rem Mag is practical but hearing protection is a must.

One additional advantage, at least in a Rem 700, is that the 7mm Rem Mag giives more magaziine room (3.6") than the 7mm08 (2.8").

For what it's worth the 7mmWin Mag gives 2549 fps with a 16" barrel and the same load as above., a bit more than the 7mm08 with a 22" barrel.

Nice work. I looks like I need to get quick load. I thought the difference would have been more extreme. If it were me, I would still hang on to the few inches of barrel. I would love to get an extra 155 fps out of a few of my loads.

I'm using a 26"'barrel but only have 24" data numbers. 3,100 fps out of a 24". I wander what I'm at. I really need a chrono.
i'm getting 2434 fps out of mt 14" encore pistol in 7mm-08. i took a nice pronghorn doe at 275 yards with 2.1 moa on the scope in wyoming. man that was a good tiime!!!!
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