600yards and in, how important are bubble levels?

How important is a bubble level for 600 yard shots? At what range do they really become necessary? Thanks!
I use them. They help me. In the grand scheme of things they are cheap, easy to use, and worth having. My rifles all shoot 0.1mil groups (1/3 MOA), so I notice a difference even at 100 if I'm shooting paper. A little bit of cant can change your POI by 0.1mils at 100. At 500, is it causing me to miss a 2/3rds IPSC? No. You'd have to be pretty canted. But I'm likely not going be perfectly centered up on target.

Also, as has been said, that gets magnified the further out you go, especially beyond 500. When working on making 1st round hits as your working out to distance (300-1300) making sure you're not canted helps you make a better wind call because the horizontal error isn't compounded by your cant.
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Never used one yet and regularly shoot 1000 yards and have never had a problem and have shot as far as 1500 and still hitting where I'm planning too.
I'm not opposed to it I've never had a issue so never think to buy a level.
168g 308 but it gives a little perspective


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