30,000 FED210 Primers Gone in 3 day's

We only have a hundred days to Biden our time.
From January 20th
And they are already promoting 100% mail in ballots
1. Get involved.

2. Get rid of the Soros-controlled voting officials, DA's, Secretaries of State and Attorneys General.

3. Demand your voting officials follow the law and clean voter roles. The National Voter Registration Act or 1993 (Motor-Voter Act) requires States to keep voter registration lists accurate and current, such as identifying persons who have become ineligible due to having died or moved outside the jurisdiction. At the same time, the Act requires list maintenance programs to incorporate specific safeguards, e.g., that they be uniform, non-discriminatory, in compliance with the Voting Rights Act, and not be undertaken within 90 days of a federal election. The removal of voters for non-voting or for having moved can only be done after meeting certain requirements provided in the Act. The Act allows for removal of voters from registration lists when they have been convicted of a disqualifying crime or adjudged mentally incapacitated, where such removals are allowed by state law.

4. Be aware of national groups interfering in elections. Tom Steyer's Next Generation America is registering NON-RESIDENT college students to vote in many state-wide and federal elections. Here in Arizona, that's over 98,000 potential votes that should not be counted.
1. Get involved.

2. Get rid of the Soros-controlled voting officials, DA's, Secretaries of State and Attorneys General.

3. Demand your voting officials follow the law and clean voter roles. The National Voter Registration Act or 1993 (Motor-Voter Act) requires States to keep voter registration lists accurate and current, such as identifying persons who have become ineligible due to having died or moved outside the jurisdiction. At the same time, the Act requires list maintenance programs to incorporate specific safeguards, e.g., that they be uniform, non-discriminatory, in compliance with the Voting Rights Act, and not be undertaken within 90 days of a federal election. The removal of voters for non-voting or for having moved can only be done after meeting certain requirements provided in the Act. The Act allows for removal of voters from registration lists when they have been convicted of a disqualifying crime or adjudged mentally incapacitated, where such removals are allowed by state law.

4. Be aware of national groups interfering in elections. Tom Steyer's Next Generation America is registering NON-RESIDENT college students to vote in many state-wide and federal elections. Here in Arizona, that's over 98,000 potential votes that should not be counted.
The DNC ? Congress?
At the state level, but yes the DNC and Congress too. The big problem is all the Soros plants that were hired during the Clinton administration who are now in positions of power in the LE, Justice, State and Intel agencies. If you take a look at their histories/resumes, you'll see ties back to the communist scumbag Soros or one of his organizations. The same thing happened during Carter and Obama. People were hired based on their loyalty to the communist manifesto and not the US Constitution.
1. Get involved.

2. Get rid of the Soros-controlled voting officials, DA's, Secretaries of State and Attorneys General.

3. Demand your voting officials follow the law and clean voter roles. The National Voter Registration Act or 1993 (Motor-Voter Act) requires States to keep voter registration lists accurate and current, such as identifying persons who have become ineligible due to having died or moved outside the jurisdiction. At the same time, the Act requires list maintenance programs to incorporate specific safeguards, e.g., that they be uniform, non-discriminatory, in compliance with the Voting Rights Act, and not be undertaken within 90 days of a federal election. The removal of voters for non-voting or for having moved can only be done after meeting certain requirements provided in the Act. The Act allows for removal of voters from registration lists when they have been convicted of a disqualifying crime or adjudged mentally incapacitated, where such removals are allowed by state law.

4. Be aware of national groups interfering in elections. Tom Steyer's Next Generation America is registering NON-RESIDENT college students to vote in many state-wide and federal elections. Here in Arizona, that's over 98,000 potential votes that should not be counted.
I hate to rain on any LRH person's parade, but George Soros and Tom Styer are only a small part of the problem. The entire gun-hating empire of the socialist left has been working toward this end for--forever. Even as a kid back in the '50s and '60s I heard the adults in the room discussing how the left (for lack of a more descriptive term) has been getting involved in the local political arena and the educational system. Increment by increment, city council member by school board position, the radicals have, what I call, been sneaking in the back door. They have arrived, and they have been wreaking havoc for decades. We are now going to have to catch up, and we are going to have to learn their tactics, and that is going to involve learning to abuse the system, just like they do.

Why would someone that does not like guns even care if you own and use weapons legally? Why would anyone want to take over everyone in this country and have to be responsible for their every need? If you can answer both of those questions, you probably do not belong on this forum. Most of us just do not think in those terms. We want to own and shoot our guns and leave everyone else alone. Unfortunately, that is not the way socialists and pseudo socialists think. They want our guns and they want us to be defenseless so they can take over this country and change it to suit their desires.

I know that getting involved works. It worked for them. Where are our billionaires? Where is our leader that we can rally around? I know we can pull this situation out of the fire, but it is going to take every gun owner we can pull together, even those on the left. I wish I could say what it is that I am feeling and give everyone an answer, but that is going to have to come from someone else, someone stronger and with a huge platform to scream for our second amendment rights. Sorry, gun owners.
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I stopped at a local big box sporting goods store at 2:45 on Monday and asked if they had any Fed210 primers, I followed the employee to the swinging doors to the back room, I could see on the shelf 6 cartons of 5000 primers each unopened, The employee opens one and gets me their limit of 200 primers.
I go back on Tuesday same time and same thing but 2 cartons are gone and he has to open carton #4 to get my 200 primers.
( 10,000 primers gone in 24 hours. 20,000 left) I go back today at the same time and they say they have no primers. I go to the swinging doors and there are none on the shelf, none on the sales floor. 30,000 FED210 primers gone in 48 hours. WHAT THE HELL!!

Kinda out of context here but I just now checked on a bid I placed on GB....a 8 pound jug of IMR 3041 went for $695! Holey Mackerel!
1. Get involved.

2. Get rid of the Soros-controlled voting officials, DA's, Secretaries of State and Attorneys General.

3. Demand your voting officials follow the law and clean voter roles. The National Voter Registration Act or 1993 (Motor-Voter Act) requires States to keep voter registration lists accurate and current, such as identifying persons who have become ineligible due to having died or moved outside the jurisdiction. At the same time, the Act requires list maintenance programs to incorporate specific safeguards, e.g., that they be uniform, non-discriminatory, in compliance with the Voting Rights Act, and not be undertaken within 90 days of a federal election. The removal of voters for non-voting or for having moved can only be done after meeting certain requirements provided in the Act. The Act allows for removal of voters from registration lists when they have been convicted of a disqualifying crime or adjudged mentally incapacitated, where such removals are allowed by state law.

4. Be aware of national groups interfering in elections. Tom Steyer's Next Generation America is registering NON-RESIDENT college students to vote in many state-wide and federal elections. Here in Arizona, that's over 98,000 potential votes that should not be counted.
I have been writing my congress man and Senators for a long time. It takes that and more people writing in. There is a bill in Montana that's on the governor desk that needs to be signed. It will allow people to carry a pistol on them or in there car without a conceal firearms permit. It' my understanding he going to sign it also.
The other day I wrote Senator Tester about the illegal coming in and the Cov-19. He said that finally Trump was gone they will get things moving. I wrote him back and said that was BullSh*t and he knew better. They put their pants just like the rest of us. I was an elected office holder about about 30 years. I have never seen the likes of this, in all my years.
It took years to get my name off the voter registration rolls in one state, being Mex-fornia. I would return my ballot voiding it and send a letter in to tell them to take me off. Judicial Watch got after Mex-fornia this last year, and it appears that something has happen. I don't trust the government much anymore. Our Judicial System is in the tank. FBI is a joke, and a bunch of crooks. There is people in Obama term that need to go to jail, but people just smile, and we know better.
I was in the field of Vietnam in1969 as Combat Medic. I put it all on the line there. After getting home I watch President Ford let the draft dodger back in free. Then President Carter let the deserters back in free. I had men die in my arms or there wasn't anything I could do but watch them die. The bottom line is "For What". Did they bring back from the dead "NO". At lease our soldiers are welcome back now, and we are doing things to help them more now. More so with President Trump, and than before. I know in Vietnam that people try and state that most of the men joined the Arm Forces during Vietnam. That was and is a bunch of B***S**T too. We didn't have any choice. Either be drafted or Join. Oh 2/3 Joined BS*t. In my first 3 day at boot camp the guys signed up for better jobs in the Army was 2/3rd. They didn't want to be infantry. You had two choices "Drafted or Join" that was it. The men of today join, and my hats off to them. I remained as a draftee, and my serial No start with US.
If I see men or women in uniform eating some place, and I am there, I will pay for their meal on the Q.T. I do that for police officers too.
Got get off the Soap Box.
I hate to rain on any LRH person's parade, but George Soros and Tom Styer are only a small part of the problem. The entire gun-hating empire of socialists left has been working toward this end for forever. Even as a kid back in the '50s and '60s I heard the adults in the room discussing how the left (for lack of a more descriptive term) has been getting involved in the local political arena and the educational system. Increment by increment, city council member by school board position, the radicals have, what I call, been sneaking in the back door. They have arrived, and they are wreaking havoc for decades. We are now going to have to catch up, and we are going to have to learn their tactics and that is going to involve learning to abuse the system, just like they do.

Why would someone that does not like guns even care if you own and use weapons legally? Why would anyone want to take over everyone in this country and have to be responsible for their every need? If you can answer both of those questions, you probably do not belong on this forum. Most of us just do not think in those terms. We want to own and shoot our guns and leave everyone else alone. Unfortunately, that is not the way socialists and pseudo socialists think. They want our guns and they want us to be defenseless so they can take over this country and change it to suit their desires.

I know that getting involved works. It worked for them. Where are our billionaires? Where is our leader that we can rally around? I know we can pull this situation out of the fire, but it is going to take every gun owner we can pull together, even those on the left. I wish I could say what it is that I am feeling and give everyone an answer, but that is going to have to come from someone else, someone stronger and with a huge platform to scream for our second amendment. Sorry, gun owners.
Where are your Billionaires? Probably still working in the illegal weapons sales and manufacturing facilities....and as soon as Gun legislation goes thru....You will be buying from them too!🤣
I hate to rain on any LRH person's parade, but George Soros and Tom Styer are only a small part of the problem. The entire gun-hating empire of socialists left has been working toward this end for forever. Even as a kid back in the '50s and '60s I heard the adults in the room discussing how the left (for lack of a more descriptive term) has been getting involved in the local political arena and the educational system. Increment by increment, city council member by school board position, the radicals have, what I call, been sneaking in the back door. They have arrived, and they are wreaking havoc for decades. We are now going to have to catch up, and we are going to have to learn their tactics and that is going to involve learning to abuse the system, just like they do.

Why would someone that does not like guns even care if you own and use weapons legally? Why would anyone want to take over everyone in this country and have to be responsible for their every need? If you can answer both of those questions, you probably do not belong on this forum. Most of us just do not think in those terms. We want to own and shoot our guns and leave everyone else alone. Unfortunately, that is not the way socialists and pseudo socialists think. They want our guns and they want us to be defenseless so they can take over this country and change it to suit their desires.

I know that getting involved works. It worked for them. Where are our billionaires? Where is our leader that we can rally around? I know we can pull this situation out of the fire, but it is going to take every gun owner we can pull together, even those on the left. I wish I could say what it is that I am feeling and give everyone an answer, but that is going to have to come from someone else, someone stronger and with a huge platform to scream for our second amendment. Sorry, gun owners.
Good points.
Our greatest failure comes from not understanding or recognizing the opposition. We, our user group is blinded by our own arrogance, talk is cheap, action is expensive. As a user group, we are smaller than we think. We tend to associate with those whom agree with our ideology. What happens when we step out of our comfort zone and study the anti gun dip *****? I haven't seen a single post regarding the NRA in this or any other thread.
We absolutely need to get involved if we are to prevail. Get involved, start now.
Where are your Billionaires? Probably still working in the illegal weapons sales and manufacturing facilities....and as soon as Gun legislation goes thru....You will be buying from them too!🤣
Well, at least we will have a few billionaires on the gun owner's side. Who the heck am I buying from now? Where is the help we need from the people we support? They will all be out of business and we won't be able to buy anything from anybody. It will be worse than Canada. We always do things better than everyone else! That last sentence is supposed to be funny!
Well, at least we will have a few billionaires on the gun owner's side. Who the heck am I buying from now? Where is the help we need from the people we support? They will all be out of business and we won't be able to buy anything from anybody. It will be worse than Canada. We always do things better than everyone else! That last sentence is supposed to be funny!
Okay last sentence was almost funny....but here's funnier...email from Federal Today....they still have stock FOR SALE! Get yours before they are all SOLD OUT!!!!
I'm rather amused at the sales flyers both OL and in my snail mail, I keep getting from all kinds of sporting goods suppliers who full well know they are sending me adds for products they don't have and will not for the long term foreseeable future.
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